Mar 12, 2025  
2017-2018 SGPP Catalog and Handbook 
2017-2018 SGPP Catalog and Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Services

Twin Cities Campus Library

Twin Cities Library delivers dynamic services to Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota Graduate and Professional Programs students, ensuring equitable access, relevant resources, user-friendly discovery, and nurturing learning environments.

Library Resources

Students, faculty, and staff have access to a wealth of free information through the Twin Cities Campus Library, both on- and off-campus. Millions of academic journals, eBooks, and streaming videos are accessible from the Twin Cities Campus Library website using a Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota username and password. Twin Cities Campus Library users, students, faculty, and staff may use SuperSearch to discover millions of items in a single search. SuperSearch includes Twin Cities Campus Library books, dissertations, DVDs, assessment tests, eBooks, streaming videos and most article databases.

Books, dissertations, journals, assessment tests, and videos may be borrowed from the Twin Cities Campus Library using a valid Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota I.D. card. Current Saint Mary’s faculty and students who do not attend classes at the Twin Cities Campus may request that print materials be mailed to their home address. Saint Mary’s students, faculty, and staff also have access to many other print collections for free through interlibrary loan, including the Fitzgerald Library on the Winona campus, the MnSCU/PALS local library consortium, and the OCLC national library organization. Current Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota students, faculty, and staff may also visit any MnSCU/PALS library and borrow materials with their Saint Mary’s I.D. card.

Additional on-campus resources include quiet study areas, laptop-friendly seating, VHS and DVD viewing stations, headphones, and computers loaded with statistical, word processing, and presentation software.

Research Assistance

Students, faculty, and staff may request assistance from a librarian via instant message, email, phone, text, and face-to-face. Librarians are available to assist with using online resources, developing search strategies, finding information for course assignments, evaluating sources, organizing research, and obtaining material through interlibrary loan. Library orientation videos and research guides are available on the Twin Cities Campus Library website and are compatible with PC and iOS devices.

The library makes every effort to provide services to distance learners in accordance with the Association of College and Research Libraries’ Guidelines for Distance Learning Library Services, which states, “Members of the distance learning community are entitled to library services and resources equivalent to those provided for students and faculty in traditional campus settings.” Librarians at public libraries may be able to assist with an occasional question; however, basic instruction in using resources should be provided by librarians from the institution that is collecting tuition for a course. Students who need instruction in using resources should contact Twin Cities Campus Library for assistance.

Those with questions and comments regarding available library and information resources, or those who need assistance with specific research questions should contact a librarian at:

Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota
Twin Cities Campus Library
2500 Park Avenue
La Salle Hall – Room 108
Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) 728-5108 or
Toll-free (866) 437-2788 Ext. 108
Web address:
Instant Message: Library website during open hours
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Fitzgerald Library, Winona Campus

Saint Mary’s students may also use Fitzgerald Library, which is located on Saint Mary’s Winona Campus. Students may access electronic resources (on- and off-campus) and request interlibrary loan materials by logging in with their Saint Mary’s username and password. Print materials may be checked out using a Saint Mary’s student I.D.

Fitzgerald librarians also teach students how to find, evaluate, and use information. Visit the website or contact a librarian for further information.

Saint Mary’s University
Fitzgerald Library
700 Terrace Heights #26
Winona, MN 55987-1399
Phone: (507) 457-1562
Toll-free (800)635-5987 Ext. 1562
Web address:

Writing Center — Twin Cities Campus


The Writing Center for the Schools of Graduate and Professional Programs provides instructional support for academic writing in any program administered through the Schools of Graduate and Professional Programs, whether the classes meet on the Twin Cities campus or another location. The Writing Center staff develop students’ writing ability through a variety of services: individual consultations, workshops, and online resources. The Writing Center is located in La Salle Hall.

Individual Consultations

Writing consultants answer writing questions, provide informed feedback as a reader, and make suggestions when appropriate. Consultants do not proofread entire student papers, but can help students to identify some of their writing problems, help them improve their proofreading skills, and teach them to correct their own errors. 

If students cannot meet with a consultant on campus, they can submit their paper electronically when they make an appointment. A member of the Writing Center staff will read and respond by e-mail or set up a telephone conference.

Consultations are free, but appointments are required; please see the Writing Center website to schedule an appointment.


Each term the Writing Center offers fee-based workshops on writing topics including APA style, word processing for APA, content development and organization, and resume writing. These workshops are described on the Writing Center’s website.

Online Resources

The Writing Center website at provides another means of access to our services, particularly if you attend classes outside the Twin Cities. The website features a variety of resources, including guides to types of writing assignments, grammar and punctuation rules, information on APA citation style, and learning modules on various writing topics. 

Introduction to the APA Handbook  

The Writing Center handbook Introduction to the APA is the required style guide for students in the bachelor’s completion programs and is often recommended for graduate students. The handbook is an introduction and guide to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed. and provides materials to supplement the manual. The handbook can be purchased for less than $10 at the campus bookstore, or downloaded from the Writing Center’s website. 


Consultations are limited to 90 minutes per student per week and two consultations per paper when appointments are available. Students who are working on capstones, dissertations, and other longer projects, or who have a documented learning disability, may request exceptions to this policy by contacting the Writing Center. If you are more than 10 minutes late to an appointment the Writing Center reserves the right to open the appointment to another student.

Writing Center consultants’ session notes are in most cases kept confidential. If an instructor detects plagiarism in a class assignment, however, the Writing Center Director may release the consultant’s session notes to the student’s program director. If a student wishes to provide proof of a consultation, they may request a copy of their session notes from their consultant or the Writing Center Director. Detailed policies can be found on the Writing Center’s website.

Contact Information

Telephone: (612) 728-5154
Toll-free (866) 437-288, Ext. 5154

Writing Center — Winona Campus

The Winona Campus Writing Center is located in Griffin Hall, Office #78, and is accessible through the lower level of Saint Mary’s Hall. Offering services for undergraduate and graduate students, you may make an appointment by calling (800) 635-5987 Ext. 1432. The Winona Campus Writing Center operates on the undergraduate College schedule.

Computer and Technology Services

Appropriate Use of Technology Policy

All users of Saint Mary’s University technology are subject to the Appropriate Use of Technology Policy, which can be found on our website via

Information Technology Services (IT) HelpDesk Contact Information

Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota
Minneapolis Campus
La Salle Hall Room #218
2500 Park Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55404-4403
Phone: (612) 728-5100 Ext. 7800
Toll-free (866) 437-2788 Ext. 7800

Student and Faculty Access to Classrooms

Classrooms on the Twin Cities Campus are outfitted with instructional technology including a computer, projector, document camera, and an external hook up for personal laptop use. If your laptop does not have a VGA connection, you must provide your own adapter.

Video conference rooms are available in La Salle Hall and Brother Louis Hall. The computer labs are generally open during building hours, but may be in use during the evening classes. Computers are also available in the student lounge and library for use when labs are occupied by classes.


The Twin Cities campus currently has four computer labs located in La Salle Hall Rooms 212, 224, 56, and Brother Louis Hall Room 35. The computer labs are equipped with Microsoft® Windows® based PC workstations. The following software is available on all computers including laptops unless otherwise noted:

  • Windows 10
  • Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Visio, Publisher, Project)
  • Internet Explorer
  • Google Chrome
  • Minitab

To access the computers in the labs, each user is required to login using their Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota username and password. New students will receive their username and default password in the admissions packet once they are accepted for admission. Students should login to student portal and set a personal password prior to coming to campus.

Students are charged for printing in the computer labs, and are included in their monthly billing statements. The printing charge per page is $ 0.10.

Student Portal

Student portal is a web-based application that you can access to view your student records and financial information while attending Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. You are able to:

  • Review your academic record
  • Register and drop classes.
  • Retrieve your course schedule.
  • Retrieve grades.
  • Update personal information including address, telephone, and contact information.
  • Pay tuition account.
  • Retrieve an unofficial transcript.
  • Reset passwords for all IT systems, including Blackboard, Gmail (E-mail) and student portal.
  • Retrieve personal financial records, i.e., bills and balances.

To access the student portal application, you need to use your Saint Mary’s of Minnesota username and password.

Access student portal at:

Google Apps for Education

Google Apps for Education is a free suite of hosted communication and collaboration applications. Google Apps includes Gmail, Google Calendar (shared calendaring), Google Docs (online document, spreadsheet, presentation, form creation and sharing), and Google Drive for cloud-based online file storage.

Gmail (Email) powered by Google

Students are required to maintain and use a Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota email account at no charge. This account can be accessed via New students will receive their email address in the admission packet once they are accepted for admission. Students are responsible to check their Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota email regularly.

When logging in on Google’s page, the students username is the full email address ( and Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota password.


Blackboard is a learning management system used by most of the courses offered by Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. Using Blackboard, course-specific information (i.e., course syllabi, handouts, assignments, Internet links, discussion forums, and contact information) can be accessed.

To access Blackboard, you need to use your Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota username and password.
Access Blackboard at:

Wired and Wireless Network Access

Both students and faculty can access the network on-campus by connecting their computer to the wireless network. Network access will require the use of your Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota username and password.

Guidelines for the use of Simulation Labs

The intent of this policy is to address the use of the Brother Louis Hall (BLH), Rooms 21, 22, 23 and 24 when these rooms are being used as simulation rooms / labs and video, audio or still images are being produced or transmitted. These rooms are equipped with video capturing, audio capturing and closed circuit projection capability. They may be used by any program for the purpose of allowing students the opportunity to apply principles taught in class to simulated practice.


“Media” refers to any portable media storage device, audio tape, video tape, DVD or still image.

“Production” refers to all resulting audio, video or still images.

“Transmission” refers to the broadcast or use of stored or live of images or audio to another location.

Use of the Facilities

The use of the video, audio and/or closed circuit projection equipment in the labs is restricted to Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota faculty, administrators and registered students.

Any media produced and/or stored is considered to be University property and part of the student’s academic record. Productions and management of media is to be in accordance to FERPA. Recordings may be saved on a thumb drive/backup hard drive if the student has executed the Confidentiality Agreement included as part of this policy. Recordings are for educational purposes and debriefing opportunities with the appropriate faculty, staff and students. The confidentiality agreement signed by students protects privacy and discourages inappropriate discussion of the video contents or student’s performance in the simulation scenarios. Any viewing or publication in a non-educational setting, such as posting on YouTube, is unacceptable and unethical and will result in dismissal from the program.

Requests to use these rooms must be scheduled through the room scheduling staff.

Program administrators and/or faculty members must be fully trained by the Information Technology Department on the use of the equipment in the labs prior to using the equipment.

A member of the Information Technology Department must be contacted if any equipment is not functioning properly or any supplies need to be restocked. Portable media storage devices must be purchased by the department.

Program specific equipment is not to be left or stored in the labs. Any program specific equipment is to be returned to the respective department after use in the lab rooms.

For additional information please refer to the policies entitled; “Policy on the Appropriate Use of Technology Resources ,” “The Use of Simulation for Teaching,” “The Use of Produced Video / Audio Media for Grading Student Performance,” “Producing Video / Audio Media for Demonstration or Teaching,” and “Using Portable Media as Exhibits in Program Accreditation Reports.”

The Use of Simulation for Teaching

Simulation enhances the educational process by allowing students to apply concepts learned in the classroom to simulated situations. These simulated exercises are to be used for role playing only; no actual care, counseling or practice may be offered or provided. University faculty or program personnel must be present, either directly or via video observation during any simulated activity. Their presence must be evident to the participants and/or administration whenever the simulated activities are taking place.

Any activity that provokes the recall or relation of emotions from real life experiences that are unsettling, disturbing or offensive to any of the participants must be stopped immediately by the participating student(s), attending faculty member or program administrator. It is the responsibility of the attending faculty member or administrator to return the activity back to role playing.

The use of media is intended for teaching or assessing student performance only, any other use is prohibited. Please refer to the policies entitled; “The Use of Produced Video / Audio Media for Grading Student Performance,” “Producing Video / Audio Media for Demonstration or Teaching,” “The Production of Video / Audio Media at Off Campus Locations” and “Using Portable Media as Exhibits in Program Accreditation Reports.”

The Production of Video / Audio Media Involving Student Participation

Facilities may be used to produce media, using images or voices of students. These productions may be used for demonstration, return demonstration, course grading, assignment grading, or teaching. All student participants must sign a consent indicating that they are willing to participate. Any media produced and/or stored is considered to be University property and/or part of the student’s academic record. Productions and management of media is to be in accordance to FERPA. All produced media must be used for educational purposes only.

The Use of Produced Video / Audio Media for Grading Student Performance

Syllabi for courses using the production of video, audio or still images media of simulated exercises must contain a statement describing the purpose of production and specific grading criteria. All syllabi must be approved through the Curriculum Committee prior to course delivery.

Any produced media containing video, audio or still images from simulated exercises is considered property of the university and is subject to FERPA regulations. Media used for grading in a course must secured by the Program Director or their designee until the course is finished and enough time has elapsed for a student to institute a grade grievance procedure. Once that time has passed, all media is to be destroyed. Productions made for student assessment or grading may not be recorded on any portable media devices or other medium.

Producing Video / Audio Media for Demonstration or Teaching

Facilities may be used to produce media to be used for demonstration or teaching. Media is to be used by Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota faculty, program personnel and students only. Prior to production, a release must be signed by all participants. The release must describe how the resulting media is to be used and who will be using it. Permission to use any stored production media must be signed by all participants and kept by the program director until it is destroyed. Permission to use any resulting stored media may be revoked by any participant at any time. Any commercial or personal use of produced media is prohibited. All stored media is to be kept in a secure area as directed by the Program Director.

Using Portable Media as Exhibits in Program Accreditation Reports

Produced media may be used for program accreditation but only if the participants have executed a release authorizing that use.

The Production of Video / Audio Media at Off Campus Locations

This policy pertains to locations that are not leased by the University as space to deliver coursework. It does pertain to any clinical site, practicum site or any location where individuals who are not considered employees, adjunct faculty or students of the University appear in any produced tape.

Use of video or audio production for any activity performed off campus is prohibited without written consent from the institution where the media is being produced. Signed consent from an authorized representative of the institution must be kept by the Program Director. In addition, all participants appearing in the production must execute a release authorizing the production. If a participant does not release the media for use beyond the student’s class or clinical practicum, it must be destroyed at the end of the class or practicum unless it is being used to grade student performance. (Please refer to the policies entitled “The Production of Video / Audio Media Involving Student Participation” and “The Use of Produced Video / Audio Media for Grading Student Performance.”) Written consents by the authorized representative of the institution and all participants appearing in the production must be received by the Program Director prior to the creation of any media. Produced media and accompanying signed consent forms must be stored in a secure location by the Program Director until the media is destroyed.