Sep 27, 2024  
2018-2019 SGPP Catalog and Handbook 
2018-2019 SGPP Catalog and Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Counseling Psychology (Masters)

  • PY613 Counseling Theory and Technique (3 cr.)

    Major approaches to counseling and psychotherapy are analyzed with emphasis on applications in the theoretical relationship. Professional psychological writing style is discussed in this course.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Understand the major theoretical approaches to counseling.
    2. Acquire basic counseling skills.
    3. Apply therapeutic theory to the skills and roles used in the practice of therapy.
    4. Apply ethical principles to counseling.
    5. Apply professional psychological writing style.
    6. Articulate a personal theory of counseling and define personal style.
    7. Evaluate the cultural implications of modern psychotherapy.
    8. Apply an awareness and appreciation of diversity to counseling.
    9. Support reasoning in application of theory and technique to diagnoses and treatment interventions.
    10. Understand the significance of research evidence and community standards of practice in selecting and evaluating interventions.

  • PY620 Statistical Techniques and Research Methods (3 cr.)

    The course provides an overview of research methods commonly used in clinical and counseling psychology. Both research methodology and statistical analysis are reviewed. The course focuses on the interpretation and understanding of research and applied statistical procedures.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Understand basic descriptive statistics and the fundamentals of hypothesis testing.
    2. Apply appropriate research and statistical methods to research questions.
    3. Recognize the appropriate applications of statistical findings and their limitations.
    4. Evaluate research presented in counseling/clinical psychology.
    5. Apply the fundamentals of research to counseling psychology.

  • PY621 Psychological Assessment (3 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PY620  
    This course investigates the principles and history of psychological testing, both individual and group, and assessment. Theories of measurement and selected psychological tests and inventories are covered.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Understand the assumptions, basic statistics, and issues regarding psychological testing.
    2. Understand the major tests in ability, personality, and vocational assessment and how these are used to assess the client’s strengths, attributes, and problems.
    3. Evaluate psychological tests on the basis of accepted assessment criteria and relevant research.

  • PY625 Ethics and Professional Issues in Psychology (3 cr.)

    Ethical principles and issues underlying the professional practice of psychology are examined. Attention is focused on the Ethical Principles of the American Psychological Association (APA), the American Counseling Association (ACA) Code of Ethics, standards of practice and the related State of Minnesota statutes and rules, and current issues of concern to the field.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Understand the practice of ethics in the domain of psychology and its distinction from legal process and rules of conduct.
    2. Formulate an individual ethical decision-making process.
    3. Apply the professional codes of ethics and other resources in decision making.
    4. Apply the Minnesota statutes and rules for psychology and counseling to clinical situations.
    5. Evaluate important trends in professional issues for psychology.
    6. Understand the cultural contexts of ethical dilemmas and think creatively in identifying appropriate interventions.

  • PY630 Advanced Research Methods (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PY620  
    In this course students develop skills in designing, conducting, and analyzing psychological research.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Evaluate different research methods.
    2. Apply the most appropriate method to a problem or question.
    3. Apply the most appropriate statistical analysis to evaluate research.
    4. Evaluate research in the field.

  • PY631 Personality Assessment: Adolescent and Adult (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PY621  
    The course examines and compares various methods of personality assessment of adolescents and adults, including standardized tests, behavioral analyses, and interview techniques.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Understand the history, purpose, and current research of objective and projective personality measures.
    2. Evaluate the results of personality measures to gain knowledge regarding a client’s strengths, attributes, and problems, and be able to use this information to provide reasoning and support of clinical diagnosis and treatment interventions.
    3. Integrate information gained from clinical observation, interview, and personality measures and communicate this information verbally as well as in a written report.

  • PY632 Child Assessment (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PY621  
    The course provides a detailed overview of various methods used in assessing social, intellectual, and personality development of children, including standardized testing, behavioral ratings, observations, and interview techniques. Practical problems occurring in child assessment are examined.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Understand the definitions of personality, emotional and behavior problems, developmental stages, and contexts in describing personality characteristics of children.
    2. Understand the development, administration, usage, limitations, and basic interpretation of behavior rating scales, projective instruments, self-report tests, ecological assessments, and structured observations.
    3. Evaluate interpretations of each of the above instruments, independently and in combination, in assessing a child’s strengths, attributes, and problems that provide the reasoning in support of diagnosis and treatment interventions.
    4. Evaluate a parent and/or teacher interview to obtain background information, current situation, and any problem areas for a non-referred child, and communicate this information in a written report.
    5. Administer assessment instruments to a role-played child, including scoring, interpretation, and use in assessing the child’s strengths, attributes, and problems, and communicate the information in a written report.
    6. Report assessment information to parents in role-play situations.

  • PY633 Personnel and Vocational Assessment (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PY621 
    This course includes a study of vocational and personnel assessment, including the history, theory, and current utilization of testing. The course covers testing and non-testing approaches to career assessment in a variety of settings.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Analyze and assess a job and person and synthesize the information through interpretation and reporting.
    2. Evaluate the quality and limitation of available assessment techniques.
    3. Synthesize data relating to a person and environment.
    4. Generate reasoned inferences about a person’s future performance on the job.

  • PY636 Early Childhood Mental Health (2 cr.)

    This course provides students with an overview of early childhood mental health.  Early Childhood development, attachment, and mental health concerns of young children are reviewed.  Assessment of early childhood disorders and treatment options are also explored.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Examine attachment patterns and the impact of attachment on the development and mental health of young children.
    2. Analyze at a foundational level, normal childhood development as well as mental health concerns and behaviors of young children.
    3. Demonstrate a competency knowledge with the diagnostic process and treatment modalities in treating mental health concerns of young children.

  • PY637 Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Counseling Approaches (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PY636  
    This course provides an introduction to the general principles, techniques, and practice of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT).  Emphasis is placed on learning with which clinical populations and psychological disorders this evidence based therapy can be used, accruing basic clinical skills used in a DBT practice, and learning the mode of delivery of this therapy.  This course is not intended to be a replacement for formal DBT training. 

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Evaluate suitability of DBT as a counseling approach for a client. 
    2. Apply DBT principles to sample clinical populations.    
    3. Develop skills related to each of the four DBT modules: mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness.  
    4. Analyze sample behavior chains and solutions based on learning theory.
    5. Conduct a risk assessment, following the protocols of DBT, in a sample case.

  • PY641 Marriage and Family Counseling (3 cr.)

    This course covers marriage and family therapy theories, their historical and cultural contexts, and their application to family therapy process.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Apply understanding of the major theoretical/conceptual frameworks of the family field, the historical roots, key concepts, and assumptions.
    2. Evaluate couple, marriage, and family dilemmas using major models of marriage and family therapy.
    3. Analyze and evaluate the relationships between major conceptual frameworks and therapy models.
    4. Apply understanding of diversity and multiculturalism in one’s own developing model of marriage and family therapy.
    5. Utilize professional databases and other professional resources in applying, analyzing, and evaluating the literature of the field, including efficacy research.
    6. Create and articulate one’s own developing model of marriage and family therapy.
    7. Analyze the significance of research evidence and community standards of practice in selecting and evaluating interventions.

  • PY642 Group Therapy (2 cr.)

    The course covers the history and practice of group therapy grounded in social psychology. Students study the basic tasks and methods of the group therapist, the design of effective therapy groups, and the therapeutic factors and problems commonly encountered in group therapy and counseling.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Understand the use of groups as an intervention with individuals, families, and communities.
    2. Understand the historical development of group work.
    3. Evaluate characteristics of effective group members and leaders.
    4. Analyze group process, content, and dynamics.
    5. Apply skills in assessment, planning, intervention, and evaluation for work with individuals, families, and small groups.
    6. Apply skills in facilitating the stages of group process.
    7. Incorporate professional ethics in determining appropriate group interventions and evaluating effectiveness.
    8. Develop group intervention strategies using strengths of the group and its members.
    9. Understand the significance of research evidence and community standards of practice in selecting and evaluating group interventions.

  • PY643 Humanistic/Existential Counseling Approaches (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PY613  
    The course includes a study of the basic concepts of humanistic and existential psychology, and of well-known contributors to this philosophical and therapeutic approach.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Understand the basic concepts of Existential Humanistic Psychology.
    2. Differentiate theories of the three major theorists. (Rogers. Perls. May.).
    3. Evaluate the ways theory is linked to practice.
    4. Evaluate how the concepts apply to the student’s own professional counseling theory.
    5. Develop skills necessary for establishing a therapeutic relationship.

  • PY644 Cognitive/Behavioral Counseling Approaches (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PY613  
    This course provides an introduction to the theory and practice of cognitive behavioral counseling. Various forms of cognitive-behavioral therapy are reviewed with emphasis on the approaches of Beck and Ellis.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Understand the historical overview of cognitive-behavior therapy.
    2. Analyze common elements of cognitive-behavioral techniques.
    3. Contrast cognitive-based techniques with applied behavioral analysis and other forms of psychological treatment.
    4. Apply practical skills needed to perform BASIC cognitive-behavior therapy.
    5. Apply observation and feedback skills.

  • PY645 Introduction to Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PY613 
    This course provides an introduction to the general principles, techniques, theory, and process of psychodynamic psychotherapy. Emphasis is placed on identifying and understanding psychodynamic principles through presentation of case material and illustrations in the process of psychotherapy.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Understand and articulate the theoretical principles of psychodynamic psychotherapy.
    2. Understand and differentiate the principles and practice of psychodynamic from other therapeutic approaches.
    3. Apply a fundamental understanding of psychodynamic principles to case material.

  • PY648 Multicultural Counseling (2 cr.)

    This course provides a comprehensive overview of psychology multicultural counseling. Developmental, social, and cultural contributions of ethnic and minority groups are explored. Ethnocentrism, acculturation, communication patterns, and racial conditioning are discussed. Emphasis is placed on implications of counseling in a culturally diverse society.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Implement counseling strategies and techniques appropriate for specific cultural groups.
    2. Analyze the importance of culturally diverse communication styles in a professional therapeutic environment.
    3. Plan counseling interventions incorporating an understanding of intercultural differences.
    4. Evaluate personal and professional values and ethics as related to multicultural counseling.
    5. Create a conceptual multicultural therapeutic framework.
    6. Demonstrate sensitivity to the unintended consequences of therapeutic processes that may oppress populations at risk.
    7. Analyze the influence of cultural differences in the therapeutic process.
    8. Evaluate competencies in multicultural counseling and develop a plan for growth.

  • PY649 Psychology and the Law (1 cr.)

    This course presents an introduction and overview of the interface between psychology and the law. Topics such as criminal responsibility, police psychology, and mental health law are addressed.

    Upon completion of the course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Understand the common areas that psychology and the law intersect.
    2. Analyze the roles and procedures involving psychologists in the court system.
    3. Apply mental health law to psychological practice.
    4. Evaluate the complex ethical issues inherent within psychology and the law.

  • PY654 Chemical Dependency (2 cr.)

    Addiction and recovery are examined from the perspectives of the clinician and the recovering individual, including assessment, intervention, treatment, and recovery.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Understand chemical use, abuse, and dependency.
    2. Identify complexities and ramifications of chemical dependency and other addictions throughout the continuum of care.
    3. Analyze addictive behaviors in clients.
    4. Evaluate his/her therapeutic limitations and recognize when referral is necessary.
    5. Assess how the therapist’s own defenses prevent effective recognition and intervention.

  • PY656 Psychopharmacology (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PY606 , PY608 
    This course provides a comprehensive survey of the basic psychiatric conditions for which psychoactive medication represents an appropriate intervention strategy. It is intended to be an introduction to the field and is designed to provide a working knowledge base to enable students to more competently address the experiences of their clients taking prescribed psychiatric medications.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Understand the organization of the central nervous system, the major structures of the brain, and the neurotransmitters and their receptors.
    2. Understand the different classifications of psychotropic medications.
    3. Differentiate between medications and their application to diagnostic groups.

  • PY657 Aging: A Behavioral Sciences Perspective (2 cr.)

    This course presents several theories of adult development and outlines broad issues that the presently old experience. Personal issues regarding aging are identified.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Identify major developmental themes of adult development.
    2. Apply a basic theoretical framework.
    3. Examine their own attitudes toward aging.
    4. Understand the experience of aging from an older person’s point of view.

  • PY658 Human Sexuality (2 cr.)

    This course covers theories of sexuality, the role of attitudes and values, and the importance of self-awareness. A variety of perspectives (ethical, psychological, legal, theological) related to clinical and educational settings are discussed.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Discuss sexual issues and topics in appropriate professional contexts.
    2. Understand boundaries, counter-transference, values, biases, and attitudes affecting clinical work with clients with various sexual concerns.
    3. Demonstrate skills necessary to write a complete sexual history.
    4. Develop a treatment plan for a sexuality-related problem.
    5. Understand key concepts related to child and adolescent sexuality, aging, transgender issues, homosexualities, HIV, S.T.Is, birth control, sexual victimization, and sexual abusers.

  • PY659 Brief Therapy (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PY613  
    This course provides an introduction to the methods of brief therapy. The focus is on client strengths rather than pathology and on the empowering of clients to develop solutions to problems.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Understand the assumptions behind brief therapy strategies.
    2. Apply strategies currently used in brief therapy.
    3. Utilize personal creativity in brief therapy.
    4. Evaluate the role of brief therapy in managed care.
    5. Analyze strengths and limitations in providing brief therapy.

  • PY660 Introduction to Play Therapy (2 cr.)

    This course provides an introduction to the theory and practice of play therapy, the psychotherapeutic modality of choice for many children.
  • PY665 Counseling Skills and Practice (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PY613  
    Students practice the fundamental skills associated with effective helping relationships. Counseling skill acquisition and application are emphasized. Ethics and diversity are integrated into counseling skills acquisition and application.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Acquire a repertoire of basic counseling skills.
    2. Develop an understanding of the stages of the counseling process and therapeutic relationships and to apply the counseling techniques most appropriate to each of these stages.
    3. Apply general theoretical knowledge of the counseling process and the therapeutic relationship to practical counseling skills.
    4. Develop basic skills for effective clinical interviewing, assessment, and case management.
    5. Apply basic ethical principles in client therapist relationships.
    6. Identify components of counselor self-awareness that can be utilized in effective self-assessment.
    7. Apply an awareness and appreciation of diversity to counseling.
    8. Understand the significance of research evidence and community standards of practice in selecting counseling skills.


  • PY668 Introduction to Correctional Psychology (1 cr.)

    This course presents an overview of correctional psychology. Topics range from common psychopathology found among correctional populations to divergent roles that correctional psychologists may undertake.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Understand common professional roles and duties within correctional psychology.
    2. Evaluate the wide variety of personality disorders and major mental illnesses that are found within correctional populations.
    3. Analyze major treatment modalities that correctional psychologists employ.
    4. Analyze complex legal and ethical issues faced by correctional psychologists.

  • PY669 Advanced Psychopathology (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PY608  
    The course includes a detailed study of major areas of psychology to enhance learning from previous courses. Topics include disorders involving mood, anxiety, personality, and psychosis, stress-related and disruptive behaviors. Etiology/underlying psychopathology, differential diagnosis, psychosocial difficulties, treatment issues, and ethical dilemmas are examined.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Evaluate etiology psychopathology, conceptual complexities, and treatment methods of the major areas of psychopathology.
    2. Apply knowledge of how personal and psychosocial difficulties experienced by individuals and those around them can affect the development and maintenance of psychopathology.
    3. Analyze and synthesize professional and ethical issues related to diagnosis and treatment of psychopathology.

  • PY671 Child Sexual Abuse (1 cr.)

    This course provides an overview of the current research and practice in the recognition, evaluation, and treatment of sexual abuse of children. Topics to be included are history and prevalence, characteristics, evaluation, treatment, and ethical considerations.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Understand the cultural context within which current sexual abuse offenses can be viewed.
    2. Identify common characteristics of children who have been sexually abused.
    3. Describe the effects of sexual abuse.
    4. Understand the prevalence of sexual abuse in the United States.
    5. Differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate interviewing techniques of a child who is suspected of being abused.
    6. Evaluate treatment possibilities for a child who has been abused.

  • PY672 Employee Assistance Counseling: Theory and Practice (1 cr.)

    This course provides an introduction to and an overview of the field of employee assistance. Emphasis is placed on the role of the counselor. Topics include the history, structure, and purpose of employee assistance; an introduction to employee assistance professional organizations; and an introduction to current employee assistance enterprises.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Identify characteristics of an effective Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
    2. Understand the historical background of EAP.
    3. Differentiate the various types of employee assistance professional organizations and understand the certification process for becoming a Certified Employee Assistance Professional (CEAP).
    4. Understand the roles of a practicing Employee Assistance Professional.
    5. Examine the role of the counselor in light of the purposes of EAP counseling.
    6. Understand Management Consultations, Critical Incident Stress Debriefings (CISDs), and Department of Transportation (DOT) testing and referral process.
    7. Relate counseling theory, social theory, and philosophy to EAP.

  • PY673 Clinical Use of Hypnosis (1 cr.)

    This class provides an introduction to the basic concepts of hypnosis, corrects misconceptions about hypnosis, and presents the more common uses of hypnosis in the practice of psychology.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Develop basic skills in inducing a state of hypnosis in a cooperative subject, including the demonstration of two or more induction techniques.
    2. Implement methods of inducing self-hypnosis.
    3. Understand the application of hypnosis in the fields of psychotherapy, habit control, pain management and relaxation.
    4. Apply hypnosis to chosen areas of interest.

  • PY674 Living with Experiences of Trauma (2 cr.)

    This course covers a spectrum of human responses to traumatic experiences. Conceptual understanding of the therapeutic needs of trauma survivors are emphasized. Particular types of traumatic experiences and the impact of trauma on psychological, interpersonal, and societal systems are explored.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Understand the immediate impact and ongoing life changes related to traumatic experiences.
    2. Analyze responses to stories of trauma in preparation for listening and responding to clients.
    3. Integrate conceptual and experiential understanding of the effects of trauma in people’s lives.

  • PY675 Clinical Issues: Bereavement (1 cr.)

    This course covers the stages of grieving and the reorganization of self and social systems in the bereavement process. The effects of particular types of losses and factors affecting the bereavement process are examined.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Identify the psychosocial needs of people who are experiencing loss and bereavement.
    2. Apply the characteristic concepts and stages of the bereavement process to individuals and interpersonal situations.
    3. Differentiate between various kinds of grief: anticipatory, acute, complicated (“pathological”), unresolved, new grief, ambiguous grief.
    4. Apply guidelines and techniques for facilitating clients in resolving grief.

  • PY679 Psychology of HIV/AIDS (1 cr.)

    This course presents information about the biology and clinical course of the illness and the attendant psychosocial, case management, special population, and self-care issues. The course also focuses on working with gay and bisexual men.

    Upon completion of the course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Understand critical information about the epidemiological, immunological, neuropsychological, and medical treatment aspects of HIV infection required for conducting effective psychotherapy and counseling for persons infected and affected by HIV disease.
    2. Demonstrate the appropriate mix of counseling, psychotherapy, and case management skills to address the complex array of psychosocial needs of persons living at various stages of HIV disease.
    3. Demonstrate treatment planning skills and a personal understanding of underlying concerns and attitudes, including cultural context, involved in working with people infected and affected by HIV in the course of devising a treatment plan.
    4. Respond appropriately to the issues of grief and multiple loss that arise in the course of mental health treatment for people with HIV.
    5. Respond appropriately to legal and ethical issues involved in the mental health treatment of people with HIV disease.

  • PY680 Stress Management (1 cr.)

    This course offers participants an opportunity to understand stress and stress management concepts, and to develop skills to assist themselves and others. The focus is on exploring how the mind and body interact to create a stress response and on learning specific tools to regulate this response. Current research, techniques, and applications are considered.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Understand the concepts of stress and stress management.
    2. Utilize skills in stress management.
    3. Analyze the interaction of body and mind in the creation of a stress response.

  • PY692 Practicum Completion (0 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PY 710  and grade of IP in PY 711 
    This course is a continuation of Practicum II (PY711 ) for students who require additional time to complete 350 hours for Practicum II and for students whose practicum sites require a time commitment beyond two semesters.

    Upon completion of the course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Apply effective communication and therapeutic skills in professional work at practicum site.
    2. Integrate knowledge of psychological theories, assessment, research, and ethics into the practice of psychology.
    3. Integrate feedback from on-site supervision and seminar supervision into effective diagnosis, treatment interventions and therapeutic process.
    4. Apply professional perspective regarding clinical issues in the practice of psychology.
    5. Demonstrate inclusivity and multicultural perspective with clients and colleagues.
    6. Plan for final integration paper.

  • PY701 Supervising Counselors and Psychotherapists: Theories of Supervision (1 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): Completed PY710  
    This course examines theoretical models and related approaches in supervision of counselors and psychotherapists. Goals of supervision, relationships, and roles emphasize theoretical conceptualization and application of theory to supervision structure, dynamics and process. Opportunities to examine one’s own developmental learning needs and style in supervision are provided.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to do the following:

    1. Explain the supervisory process from a variety of theoretical models.
    2. Demonstrate critical thinking skills to conceptualize supervisory events and processes.
    3. Apply various supervision models according to developmental level of the supervisees.

  • PY702 Supervising Counselors and Psychotherapists: Clinical Skills and Practice in Supervision (1 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): Completed PY710 
    In this course, students learn and practice fundamental skills associated with the effective supervision of counselors and psychotherapists. The acquisition and application of supervision skills are emphasized. Ethics and diversity issues are addressed in the context of acquiring and applying supervision skills.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Demonstrate a repertoire of basic supervision skills.
    2. Describe and employ supervision techniques and strategies that facilitate positive supervision outcomes and relationships.
    3. Comprehend how theories of supervision relate to and inform supervision practices.
    4. Apply appropriate supervision skills to a variety of supervision events and situations.
    5. Explain the similarities and differences between basic counseling skills and basic supervision skills.


  • PY703 Issues, Ethics, & Research in Supervision (1 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): Completed  PY710 
    This course examines some of the primary issues, ethical challenges, and research areas focused on the supervisory process from both the supervisor and supervisee standpoint. Issues addressed include multicultural awareness, transference and counter-transference, sexual and other attractions, and gender misunderstandings. Students also explore the components of critical thinking as it applies to the supervisory process. Opportunities to examine the self in the supervisory process are provided.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Understand major research and ethical issues in supervision.
    2. Apply ethical principles to supervision.
    3. Apply professional psychological writing style.
    4. Articulate a personal theory of supervision and define personal style.
    5. Evaluate the cultural implications of supervision.
    6. Apply an awareness and appreciation of diversity to supervision.
    7. Analyze current supervision process and needs, and articulate a process to continue development as a supervisor.

  • PY704 Clinical Treatment Planning (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PY608 , PY613  
    This course examines the therapeutic process of clinical treatment planning. Emphasis is placed on the integration of assessing client needs and readiness, case conceptualization, counseling techniques and strategies, treatment models, and therapeutic relationships. Current professional issues about use of evidence-based treatments and culturally competent interventions are examined in the context of measurable and meaningful treatment goals.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Use assessment information to develop a case-sensitive treatment plan that accounts for clinical setting, treatment format, client factors, and therapist competence.
    2. Utilize basic understanding of normal development, psychopathology, and client’s in-session behavior in the process of conceptualization.
    3. Abstract salient features of a case from which to draw hypotheses, inferences, and prognoses; and develop measurable treatment goals.
    4. Demonstrate ability to think divergently about possible effects of different interventions, balancing current best-practice with culturally competent approaches.
    5. Translate case-sensitive treatment plans into language and concepts congruent with professional expectations of reimbursement entities.


  • PY705 Evaluation Methodologies (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PY620  
    This course examines a range of evaluation methodologies to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of a range of clinical interventions, including individual and group therapy and programmatic services. The course focuses on critically evaluating and utilizing information from existing research literature, implementing and evaluating best practice guidelines and evidence-based practices (EBP), and conducting original evaluation projects.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Evaluate the outcome research literature to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of clinical interventions.
    2. Locate, evaluate and implement evidence-based practices (EBP) for the assessment and treatment of mental disorders.
    3. Develop and implement single-subject (N of 1) research studies.
    4. Develop and implement program evaluation studies.


  • PY706 Writing for Professional Practice (1 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PY608 
    This course provides students with information they need to do writing required of professionals in the field of psychology. Students practice writing casenotes and treatment plans.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Understand the information expected by community standards of practice that would be included in casenotes, treatment plans, and other psychological writing.
    2. Demonstrate the ability to write casenotes and treatment plans.
    3. Analyze the ethical implications involved in psychological writing.

  • PY707 Advanced Multicultural Counseling (1 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PY648 
    This course builds on the knowledge and skills developed in the first multicultural counseling course, PY648. Students practice advanced multicultural counseling skills intended to develop multicultural counseling competencies applicable to specific populations. Students have the opportunity to focus their learning on a specific ethnic group.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Utilize knowledge of sociopolitical histories, cultural practices, and dynamics when counseling African Americans, American Indians, Asian Americans, and Latinos.
    2. Identify and demonstrate appropriate communication style patterns for specific cultural groups.
    3. Demonstrate counseling interventions that incorporate an understanding of intercultural differences.
    4. Gain specific expertise with one ethnic group based on research and practice that is based on professional objectives.
    5. Conceptualize and articulate personal and professional awareness, values, and ethics as related to multicultural counseling.
    6. Demonstrate self-reflection skills related to unintentional consequences of therapeutic process on multicultural populations.
    7. Identify specific cross-cultural competencies, standards, and applied skills that are consistent with culturally competent mental health workers.

  • PY708 Practicum I - Early Entry Psy.D Applicants (2 cr.)

    Students work in a counseling or mental health setting under the supervision of a licensed psychologist, for a minimum of 20 hours per week for a total of 350 hours.  Half of the hours at the practicum site are in counseling and other direct services.  A practicum seminar must be taken concurrently as part of the practicum requirement.  The supervision seminar provides an environment for discussion of case materials as well as problems and concerns that arise in the practicum setting.  Personal and professional issues relevant to the practicum experience are examined.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Apply effective communication and therapeutic skills in professional work at practicum site.
    2. Integrate knowledge of psychological theories, assessment, research, and ethics into the practice of psychology.
    3. Integrate feedback from on-site supervision and seminar supervision into effective diagnosis, treatment interventions and therapeutic process.
    4. Apply professional perspective regarding clinical issues in the practice of psychology.
    5. Demonstrate inclusivity and multicultural perspective with clients and colleagues.

  • PY709 Integrative Wellness: Using Mind-Body and Psychotherapeutic Approaches for Healing (1 cr.)

    This course covers mind-body and creative approaches to clinical practice in counseling psychology.  Practice and scholarly research are used to explore clinical interventions, including mindfulness meditation, guided imagery, relaxation techniques, creative writing, and creative/art based interventions to promote healing.  The course has an experiential component through which students practice the various interventions being studied.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Understand the process of integrating complementary/integrative therapies into counseling practice.
    2. Critique the research literature related to complementary/integrative therapies.
    3. Apply one or more complementary/integrative techniques in a therapeutic environment.

  • PY710 Practicum I (3 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): Core, PY625 , PY621 , (PY631  or PY632  or PY633 ), 3 of PY665 , PY642 , PY604 , PY648  (GCP3 must have PY665 )
    Students work in a counseling or mental health setting under the supervision of a licensed psychologist, for a minimum of 30 hours per week for a total of 350 hours. Half of the hours at the practicum site must be in counseling and other direct client services. A practicum seminar must be taken concurrently as part of the practicum requirements. The supervision seminar provides an environment for discussion of case material as well as problems and concerns that arise in the practicum setting. Personal and professional issues relevant to the practicum experience are examined. Planning for the integration paper is introduced.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Apply effective communication and therapeutic skills in professional work at practicum site.
    2. Integrate knowledge of psychological theories, assessment, research, and ethics into the practice of psychology.
    3. Integrate feedback from on-site supervision and seminar supervision into effective diagnosis, treatment interventions, and therapeutic process.
    4. Apply professional perspective regarding clinical issues in the practice of psychology.
    5. Demonstrate inclusivity and multicultural perspective with clients and colleagues.
    6. Plan for final integration paper.

  • PY711 Practicum II (3 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PY710 
    Students work in a counseling or mental health setting under the supervision of a licensed psychologist, for a minimum of 30 hours per week for a total of 350 hours. Half of the hours at the practicum site must be in counseling and other direct client services. A practicum seminar must be taken concurrently as part of the practicum requirements. The supervision seminar provides an environment for discussion of case material as well as problems and concerns that arise in the practicum setting. Personal and professional issues relevant to the practicum experience are examined.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Apply effective communication and therapeutic skills in professional work at practicum site.
    2. Integrate knowledge of psychological theories, assessment, research, and ethics into the practice of psychology.
    3. Integrate feedback from on-site supervision and seminar supervision into effective diagnosis, treatment interventions and therapeutic process.
    4. Apply professional perspective regarding clinical issues in the practice of psychology.
    5. Demonstrate inclusivity and multicultural perspective with clients and colleagues.
    6. Plan for final integration paper.

  • PY712 Practicum III (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PY691 or PY711  
    This course is available for students to facilitate completion of practicum hours required for LPC or LPCC licensure in the State of Minnesota.  Registration in PY712 requires attendance in a seminar section or individual faculty supervision, depending on number of registrants in the semester.  Please consult the Practicum Coordinator to arrange registration.
  • PY713 Counseling and Psychological Services and Addiction Studies Practicum I (3 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of Counseling and Psychological Services core coursework: PY605 , PY607 , PY608 , PY613 , PY621 , PY625 PY641 , PY642 , PY648 , PY665 , and PY620  AND Completion of all Addiction Studies Coursework: ADS551  through ADS558  
    Students work in a setting which emphasizes the treatment of individuals with addictions, alcohol and drug abuse problems, and co-occurring mental health concerns. This practicum must consist of a minimum of 880 total hours with the experience divided into two 440 hours at a site licensed by the State of Minnesota to provide alcohol and drug and mental health treatment. The accompanying on-campus seminar sessions, facilitated by a dually-licensed mental health professional, provide opportunities for discussion of case materials and concerns related to the practicum setting. Personal and professional issues relevant to the practicum experience are examined and discussed. Planning for the integration paper is introduced.

    This dual-licensed practicum provides a combined clinical experience that meets the Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy’s practicum hour requirements for applications for the LADC and the LPCC. .A dually-licensed mental professional (LADC and LPCC or LP) provides student supervision on site. In addition, the supervisor must be on the BBHT approved list for supervision.

  • PY714 Supervising Counselors and Psychotherapists: A Comprehensive Approach (Rochester only) (3 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PY710  
    In this course, students learn and apply theoretical models and fundamental skills for supervision of counselors and psychotherapists.  Goals of supervision and relationship roles are discussed and opportunities to examine one’s own developmental learning needs and styles are provided.  Primary issues, ethical challenges, and research areas focused on the supervisory process from both the supervisor and supervisee standpoint are addressed, including multicultural awareness, transference and counter-transference, sexual and other attractions, and gender misunderstandings.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Demonstrate critical thinking skills to conceptualize supervisory events and processes.
    2. Integrate current research on effective supervisor qualities and developmental level of supervisees according to various supervision theory models.
    3. Describe and employ supervision techniques and strategies that facilitate positive supervision outcomes and relationships.
    4. Explain the similarities and differences between basic counseling skills and basic supervision skills.
    5. Apply ethical principles to supervision.
    6. Apply professional psychological writing style.
    7. Articulate a personal theory of supervision and define personal style.
    8. Evaluate the cultural implications of supervision.
    9. Analyze current supervision process and needs, and articulate a process to continue development as a supervisor.

  • PY715 Motivational Interviewing: Facilitating Behavior Change (1 cr.)

    This course introduces students to the theory, principles, and key strategies of motivational interviewing. Students develop skills for using motivational interviewing in a wide variety of settings.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Evaluate the history and the underlying theory of motivational interviewing.
    2. Evaluate client ambivalence in working toward change.
    3. Apply beginning motivational interviewing skills i to various populations with a variety of behavioral issues.

  • PY716 Practice in Counseling Skills (1 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PY665  
    This course builds on the knowledge and skills developed in the first skills course in the program.  The course provides an opportunity for students to further develop their counseling skills and apply an understanding of the influence of race, culture, gender, as well as self-of-the-therapist in therapy.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:                              

    1. Demonstrate ability to apply counseling skills.
    2. Evaluate and apply appropriate techniques to specific stages of counseling.
    3. Evaluate and apply ethical and legal principles to case presentation and simulations.
    4. Apply understanding of race, culture, and gender influences in counseling.
    5. Apply significant research evidence and community standards of practice in selecting counseling skills.

  • PY799 Psychosocial Challenges to the Management of Anxiety in the Modern Era (2 cr.)

    This multidisciplinary course contributes to students’ development of cultural competency by examining challenges to managing existential anxiety that both underlie and emanate from the social construction of culture amid discontinuous and/or violent contexts in modern history.  Strategies to manage anxiety–as articulated in selected approaches to cultural anthropology, social psychology, philosophy, and multigenerational systemic therapies–are emphasized.

    Upon completion of the course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Utilize selected concepts from Terror Management Theory, pragmatic utilitarianism, and multigenerational systemic therapy to identify and describe the antecedents, relational processes, and systemic consequences of a coercive social interaction in terms of anxiety management and on-going processes of cultural development.
    2. Identify universal aspects of human experience that are represented in particular events and actions among diverse groups with different styles of managing anxiety and decision making—especially around issues of personal freedom, class, ethnicity and national identity, gender, and age.   
    3. Conceptualize and describe how to effectively do the following:
    • reduce one’s own anxious reactivity within a coercive social context;
    • help an individual or group identify and subsequently modify their most frequently used strategies to manage anxiety in a manner that is less destructive to self and others;
    • facilitate peaceful and constructive resolution of differences among two or more multisystemic levels of social interaction; and
    • help a participant in a coercive or violent interaction work through subsequent grief and trauma or gratification derived from winning or dominating.

  • PYD875 Counseling Immigrants and Refugees (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of first year coursework (24 credits)
    This course focuses on cultural premises, history, life experiences, and worldviews of immigrant and refugee groups. Research, theory, and clinical issues and implications are examined. This course also focuses on roles of the psychologist as educator, researcher, clinician, organizational change agent, and policy developer.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Articulate the common factors of working with immigrant and refugee groups as well as factors unique to specific immigrant and refugee communities in the U.S.
    2. Evaluate research and theory regarding evidenced-based practices applied to work with immigrant and refugee populations.
    3. Identify cultural assumptions underlying theory, research, and program development in the field of psychology and present barriers to service.
    4. Conceptualize individuals according to multiple cultural contexts that intersect with and overlap ethnicity and immigration or refugee status.
    5. Integrate culturally appropriate skills into counseling, supervision, consultation, and other applied psychological practices.

Counseling Psychology (Doctorate)

  • PYD800 First Year Proseminar (1 cr.)

    This small group experience is conducted in a seminar format and is taken during the student’s first semester in the program. The proseminar is designed to introduce the student to professional functioning as a counseling psychologist, review program requirements and expectations, provide support for the transition into doctoral level study, and foster the development of the student’s identity as a psychologist. This course is graded on a pass/no credit basis.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Articulate the unique perspective on professional practice offered by counseling psychology.
    2. Understand current developments in the profession of psychology in the context of political, economic, and cultural forces.
    3. Understand program requirements and expectations, and develop an individual plan for progressing through the program.
    4. Develop relationships with fellow students and faculty for mutual support and learning.
    5. Began to formulate and articulate the student’s own professional identity as a professional psychologist.

  • PYD801 Historical Foundations of Psychology (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): MA course in Personality Theory or Theories of Counseling
    This course emphasizes understanding professional practice in historical and cultural context, and traces the development of collective understandings and assumptions about psychology since the 18th century. The development of major theories of personality and psychotherapy are considered in historical context. Historical developments in both theoretical and applied psychology are reviewed.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Develop a framework for understanding and integrating major theoretical perspectives on personality and psychotherapy.
    2. Organize information about major events and individuals in the history of all areas of psychology, showing relations between historical events and people.
    3. Evaluate the impact of historical and cultural context on the development of the theory and practice of psychotherapy.
    4. Describe the development of psychology as a profession, and to consider future trends and directions.
    5. Demonstrate critical analytic skills in reading psychological literature and in oral and written presentation on psychological topics.

  • PYD802 Physiological Psychology and Psychopharmacology (3 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): MA course in Physiological Psychology
    This interdisciplinary course explores explanations of the human experience in terms of biological substrates. Topics covered include neural development over the lifespan, neural plasticity, genetic vulnerabilities, imbalance of neurotransmitters and hormones, and brain dysfunctions. This course also covers interactions of psychoactive drugs with the central nervous system and neurotransmitters to influence cognition, emotion, and behavioral processes. Emphasis is on psychiatric medication with the spectrum of psychiatric disorders and drugs of abuse. The biopsychosocial perspective is used to integrate and acknowledge the dynamic bidirectional relationships among the multiple causal factors that contribute to behavior and mental disorders.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Discuss with clients a proficient knowledge of neuroanatomy, neural plasticity, neuron, glial, and synaptic physiology.
    2. Explain the neurobiology of normal behavior and how disruptions of these neurobiological substrates lead to pathological stress and mental disorders.
    3.  Demonstrate knowledge of biological (pathophysiologic) mechanisms involved in the onset and progression of mental disorders.
    4. Demonstrate knowledge of the pharmacology of therapeutic drugs (e.g., pharmacokinetics/ pharmacodynamics of drugs) associated with the treatment of the spectrum of Axis I and Axis II disorders and drugs of abuse.
    5. Analyze major theoretical issues and controversies surrounding the use of psychoactive drugs.
    6. Discuss professionally with the client and/or significant support persons how a particular drug treats a mental disorder, the clinical efficacy relative to the side effect profile, and treatment alternatives and combinations.

  • PYD803 Social and Organizational Psychology (3 cr.)

    This course focuses on the exploration and evaluation of current developments in social psychology theory and research. Both basic and applied research is included. Emphasis is placed on utilizing social psychological concepts and principles to understand and solve challenges found in mental health and professional practice within culturally diverse settings. An overview of organizational development and change is also presented.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Demonstrate the ability to use theories and concepts to diagnose the problem and develop possible solutions for prescribed assessment, treatment issues, and professional practice issues with special attention to cultural diversity issues.
    2. Critically evaluate social constructs and theoretical perspectives of social psychology’s explanation of social interactions and the individual’s role therein.
    3. Synthesize the implications of theory and research in the social psychological basis of behavior into practice.
    4. Identify and assess the significance of social influences at work in a variety of interactions on self and client thinking and behavior.
    5. Evaluate the different methodologies social psychologists use to research social issues.
    6. Apply the research on organizational psychology to a variety of organizations, communities, and situations.
    7. Integrate ethical parameters with organizational assessments and change principles.

  • PYD804 Cognitive - Affective Bases of Behavior (3 cr.)

    This course focuses on current research and theory in cognitive and affective psychology and neuroscience. Topics include perception, attention, memory, problem solving, reasoning, language, and emotion. The interaction of both cognitive and affective processes is emphasized throughout. Applications of these processes to clinical assessment and intervention are discussed.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Understand and evaluate current research on the cognitive and affective bases of behavior.
    2. Apply the principles of cognitive and affective bases of behavior to emotional development and vulnerability to disorders.
    3. Synthesize and articulate the implications of theory and research in cognitive neuroscience for clinical practice.
    4. Utilize cognitive and affective theories of behavior to understand the therapeutic process and developmental changes.

  • PYD806 Psychometric Theory and Application (3 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): master’s courses in Statistics and Psychological Assessment
    This course focuses on techniques for measuring psychological variables with emphasis on standardization, reliability, validity, item analysis, scores, and reporting. The statistical underpinnings of psychometric research are reviewed, including properties of distributions, descriptive statistics, correlation, and factor analysis. Concepts, principles, and methods of modern measurement theory are addressed. The cultural validity of assessment techniques and instruments are examined. Procedures for constructing psychological scales, collecting data on the scales, and evaluating the psychometric properties of the scales are reviewed and practiced.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Understand and apply statistical concepts fundamental to psychometric research.
    2. Utilize psychometric principles in the selection of instruments to evaluate psychological functioning.
    3. Design and evaluate psychological measurement with consideration of cultural sensitivity and validity.
    4. Construct and analyze psychometrically supported assessment instruments.
    5. Evaluate psychometric features of tests to ascertain that instruments are reliable, valid, and adequately standardized for the anticipated clinical population.

  • PYD807 Quantitative Research and Statistical Analysis (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PYD806  
    This course focuses on developing suitable research designs, selecting appropriate measures, and the appropriate analysis of data for conducting research in clinical practice. Development of the essential skills needed to comprehend, interpret, and critically evaluate published research in the field of counseling psychology and related fields is emphasized. Topics include theory and use of factorial ANOVA, factor analysis, correlation and regression analysis, theory and use of multiple regression, discriminant analysis, multivariate analysis of variance, structural equation models including path analysis, and selected nonparametric approaches.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Develop meaningful research questions and evaluate and select research methodologies which are appropriate to answer these questions.
    2. Analyze quantitative data using appropriate statistical procedures.
    3. Present and interpret the results of statistical analyses.
    4. Critically analyze research articles in professional psychology and related fields.
    5. Identify relevant ethical issues, and demonstrate competency in the application of the APA Code of Ethics with respect to research methods.

  • PYD808 Qualitative Research Methods (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PYD806  
    This course familiarizes students with fundamental concepts, attitudes, and applied skills in the qualitative methodological approaches most applicable to the counseling psychology field. Students have the opportunity for hands-on experience with qualitative research, including critical literature analysis, the formulation of research questions, proposal development, data collection, data analysis, and writing results in professional prose. Understanding of ethical issues and the development of ethical practice is emphasized throughout.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Describe the comparative strengths and weaknesses of qualitative and quantitative methods and how these approaches can be integrated.
    2. Evaluate published qualitative research with an emphasis on critique of design strength, rigor, and study limitations.
    3. Evaluate methodological and ethical considerations associated with employing qualitative methods.
    4. Develop appropriate research questions for qualitative methods of inquiry.
    5. Design a qualitative research study and develop a research proposal.
    6. Analyze qualitative data, interpreting and presenting results in professional prose.

  • PYD809 Outcome Research and Program Evaluation (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PYD806 , PYD807 , PYD808 
    This course provides evidence-based practice training in the understanding of scientific research which supports the practice of psychology. Students gain skills in both the critical analysis of existing research and in the conduct of research to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions. The course focuses on the practical implementation of outcome assessment and program evaluation strategies in applied clinical settings.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Evaluate professional practice in the context of the scientific evidence which supports it, and describe contemporary understandings of the relationship between science and practice in professional organizations and societies.
    2. Analyze the contribution various research designs and methodologies make to the evidence-based practice of psychology.
    3. Critically evaluate and apply published research studies to the practice of psychology.
    4. Conduct research to evaluate the effectiveness of psychological interventions in applied clinical settings.

  • PYD811 Advanced Lifespan Development (3 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): master’s course in Developmental Psychology
    This course provides an in-depth review of contemporary theory and research on normative lifespan development. The course is advanced in the sense that it assumes the student has knowledge of basic developmental processes and theories from previous coursework. Factors that impact development over the entire lifespan are explored, including biological, cultural, familial, educational, and social issues. Implications of developmental considerations in the understanding of clinical concerns are explored.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Review the process of normative human lifespan development from birth through adulthood and aging using contextual and developmental lifespan theories.
    2. Apply clinical objectivity, curiosity, open-mindedness, and ethical principles in the analysis and application of lifespan theories in the research and practice of psychology.
    3. Examine and evaluate contextual and developmental lifespan theories in regard to individual and cultural diversity.
    4. Evaluate the application of contextual and developmental lifespan theories in the practice of psychology in clinical, consultative, and educational settings.
    5. Evaluate and apply lifespan theories and research in support of the prevention of psychological distress and the promotion of psychological well-being and resilience with diverse peoples, in diverse settings, throughout the lifespan.

  • PYD812 Advanced Psychopathology (3 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): master’s course in Psychopathology; PYD811  
    This course examines current theory and research about abnormal development and psychopathology. The primary focus of the course is on the prevention, etiology, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of mental illness. Biological, cultural, familial, educational and social factors that impact psychopathology are explored. The role of the initial clinical interview in assessment, diagnosis, and case formulation is addressed. The role of age-related changes in cognitive and physical functioning in understanding psychopathology is also considered. The course is advanced in the sense that it assumes students have basic knowledge of the DSM-IV and or DSM-V from previous coursework.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Apply clinical objectivity, curiosity, open-mindedness, and ethical principles in diagnostic assessment and case formulation.
    2. Apply currently accepted diagnostic criteria to the assessment and diagnosis of mental disorders in children, adolescents, and adults.
    3. Identify, analyze, and utilize clinical data to make differential diagnoses between co-occurring disorders.
    4. Evaluate and utilize professional and culturally relevant sources of information specifically related to the prevention, etiology, and prognosis of mental disorders across the lifespan.
    5. Identify, evaluate, and utilize appropriate assessment strategies, including biopsychosocial data, for diagnosis and case formulation based on empirically supported guidelines.
    6. Demonstrate competence in initial clinical interviewing and diagnostic procedures in clinically complex situations.

  • PYD813 Developmental Psychopathology (3 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): MA courses in Developmental Psychology and Psychopathology
    This course examines developmental theory and research to aid in distinguishing between normal and abnormal developmental pathways of children and adolescents. Factors impacting normal development and psychopathology are explored and include biological, cultural, family, educational, and social issues. Issues related to prevention, etiology, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of these disorders are addressed within a developmental context.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Understand the process of human development from birth through adolescence.
    2. Assess children with emotional and behavioral problems in the context of normal development.
    3. Apply currently accepted diagnostic criteria to assess for and diagnose mental disorders in children and adolescents.
    4. Evaluate and utilize professional sources of information specifically related to the prevention, etiology, and prognosis of mental disorders in children and adolescents.
    5. Analyze clinical data to make differential diagnoses between typically co-occurring disorders in children and adolescents.
    6. Identify, evaluate, and utilize appropriate assessment strategies and treatment.

  • PYD815 Cognitive Assessment (3 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PYD806 
    This course covers administration, scoring, and interpretation of standardized individual tests of cognition and cognitive abilities. These instruments include current versions of standard intelligence and memory scales and their use in the assessment of functioning in areas such a memory and executive functioning. The impact of clients’ culture and background on test results, the incorporation of results into psychological reports, and ethical issues are examined.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Evaluate and select cognitive assessment instruments using rigorous psychometric principles and practices.
    2. Utilize cognitive assessment instruments to evaluate cognitive ability and cognitive functioning in children, adults, and older adults.
    3. Demonstrate the ability to administer, score, and interpret selected cognitive tests in a manner that is consistent with standard practices and is culturally appropriate.
    4. Integrate test information with interview, collateral, and background information and cultural features.
    5. Effectively communicate test results to colleagues, clients, and other appropriate parties.
    6. Apply ethical standards in the conduct of cognitive assessment.

  • PYD816 Personality Assessment (3 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PYD806 
    This course explores the theories and concepts of personality assessment and the instruments typically used to assess personality traits and characteristics. Both objective and projective instruments are examined. Topics include administering, scoring, interpreting, and integrating personality test information with interview, collateral, and background information and cultural features. Emphasis is placed on incorporating personality test results into psychological reports and communicating the results to colleagues, the client, and other interested parties. Ethical issues associated with personality assessment are examined.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Evaluate and choose sound personality assessment instruments using rigorous psychometric principles and practices.
    2. Identify and account for strengths and weaknesses of both objective and projective instruments.
    3. Demonstrate the ability to administer, score, and interpret selected personality tests in a manner that is consistent with standard practices and is culturally appropriate.
    4. Communicate test results to colleagues, the clients, and other appropriate parties.
    5. Apply ethical standards to the use of personality tests.
    6. Integrate test information with interview, collateral, and background information and cultural features.
    7. Communicate test results to colleagues, the clients, and other appropriate parties.

  • PYD818 Multiculturalism and Diversity (3 cr.)

    This course focuses on how cultural premises and differences in history, life experiences, and world views influence understanding and communication. Emphasis is placed on the perspectives and experiences of underrepresented populations. This course also focuses on roles of the psychologist as educator, researcher, clinician, organizational change agent and policy developer, and the application of the constructs of multiculturalism and diversity to various professional settings.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Explain the processes that underlie the range of attitudes and beliefs that influence perceptions of and interactions with individuals and systems.
    2. Identify personal cultural contexts, biases, and values from a multi-systemic and ecological perspective.
    3. Evaluate professional practices with regards to multicultural responsiveness to and knowledge and understanding of individuals and systems.
    4. Critically evaluate research and theory regarding evidenced-based practices from a multicultural psychological perspective, and identify cultural assumptions underlying all research in psychology.
    5. Demonstrate the ability to conceptualize, analyze, and evaluate individual and group behavior within and across multiple cultural contexts.
    6. Demonstrate an understanding of how one might integrate culturally appropriate skills into clinical and other applied psychological practices.

  • PYD820 Common Factors in Counseling and Psychotherapy (3 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): Master’s level course in clinical intervention skills
    In this course the theoretical foundations of common factors and efficacy of interventions are examined and applied to the practice of counseling psychology, with an emphasis on the scientific basis for the effectiveness of specific counselor attitudes and behaviors. Specific skills in implementing empirically supported counselor behaviors and attitudes are demonstrated and practiced.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Identify factors common to effective approaches of psychotherapy.
    2. Evaluate the research relating to efficacy of therapy interventions and evidenced-based practice.
    3. Create appropriate interventions leading to positive client functioning and sense of well-being.
    4. Synthesize an understanding of approaches to psychotherapy to articulate a personal theory of psychotherapy.
    5. Demonstrate interpersonal and clinical skills requisite for the development of a good therapeutic alliance.
    6. Interpret behavior from multiple perspectives and recognize strengths and limitations of the various theoretical perspectives.

  • PYD821 Advanced Cognitive-Behavioral Theories and Techniques (3 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PYD820  
    In this course theories and techniques of cognitive behavioral approaches are evaluated and applied to the practice of counseling psychology. Particular emphasis is placed on empirically supported interventions for specific disorders.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Explain the underlying principles of cognitive behavioral theory.
    2. Demonstrate knowledge to the neurological bases of cognition and connection as it informs case conceptualization and therapy.
    3. Evaluate research in the area of cognitive behavioral approaches, including outcome and process research.
    4. Apply cognitive behavioral techniques in therapy, and identify when utilization of the approach is most appropriate.
    5. Integrate an understanding of diversity into the application of cognitive behavioral approaches with individual clients.
    6. Examine ethical implications when employing cognitive behavioral approaches from the perspective of a professional psychologist.

  • PYD822 Advanced Psychodynamic Theories and Techniques (3 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PYD820  
    This course provides advanced training in contemporary psychodynamic theory and its application in psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, and consultation. Evidence-based models of psychodynamic and experiential practice are explored. The course emphasizes practical application, including case formulation, clinical strategies and techniques, and the integration of complex dynamic insights into other treatment modalities.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Evaluate the theoretical principles of psychodynamic and experiential approaches to psychotherapy.
    2. Evaluate research in the area of psychodynamic approaches, including outcome and process research.
    3. Apply psychodynamic principles to therapy, and identify when the approach is most appropriately used.
    4. Integrate an understanding of diversity into the applicability of psychodynamic approaches to individual clients.
    5. Examine ethical implications in applying psychodynamic approaches.
    6. Generate meaningful clinical inferences and interpretations based on psychodynamic principles.
    7. Function confidently in psychodynamic-oriented treatment settings.


  • PYD825 Ethics and Professional Issues (3 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): Master’s course in Professional Ethics
    This course reviews and applies professional ethics codes, including the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists, and statutes and rules relevant to psychologists to professional issues. An ethical decision-making framework integrating these standards is developed. The implementation and application of ethical standards in professional practice are examined through the workings of professional organizations and licensing boards.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Understand how ethics are applied and enforced through the work of licensing boards and professional organizations.
    2. Evaluate cultural contexts in ethical decision making.
    3. Incorporate professional compassion with professional standards in evaluating ethical dilemmas.
    4. Identify trends in professional issues in psychology and their impact on professional practice.
    5. Articulate an ethical decision-making framework which integrates evolving professional and individual standards.
    6. Interpret and apply legal guidelines within an ethical framework to resolve professional dilemmas.
    7. Identify relevant ethical issues and demonstrate an understanding of the APA Code of Ethics with respect to research and practice of psychology.

  • PYD827 Vocational Assessment and Career Counseling (2 cr.)

    This course examines theories of career development and the assessment of interests, abilities, aptitudes, and characteristics of the individual and work environment. Topics include sources of educational and occupational information, career trends, various forms of vocational assessment and problem conceptualization, effective vocational intervention, and issues of cultural and individual diversity relevant to the world of work. Emphasis is placed on the integration of work and career issues with other developmental and personal information. The course also provides an introduction to organizational consultation and techniques to analyze work culture and environment.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Evaluate theories of career development and career choice as a basis for assessment.
    2. Select career assessment instruments and strategies for their appropriateness for individuals, settings, cultures, and situations.
    3. Demonstrate the ability to administer, score, and interpret career tests and inventories within standard practices and with cultural sensitivity.
    4. Integrate vocational assessment results with other personal and cultural information.
    5. Provide career development interventions to diverse individuals throughout the lifespan.
    6. Analyze and apply vocational issues influencing work cultures and organizations.

  • PYD828 Supervision and Consultation (3 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PYD841  
    This course examines basic theoretical models of supervision and consultation and an introduction to applications in counseling practice. Clinical dilemmas are examined using case examples, with a particular focus on ethics and practice within a multicultural context. In addition to supervision competencies and practical resources for future supervisors, topics include the use of psychological skills in a consultation and the challenges encountered in various consultation venues.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Evaluate the theoretical underpinnings of supervision and consultation.
    2. Integrate theories and a personal approach into practical applications of supervision and consultation.
    3. Analyze and apply the aspects of individual and cultural diversity that impact supervision and consultation.
    4. Analyze and apply ethical principles, and legal standards, and obligations in the role of supervisor and consultant.
    5. Evaluate both the professional and personal skills necessary to provide competent supervision and consultation.
    6. Design a plan for continued development and growth as a supervisor and consultant.

  • PYD829 The Contemporary Practice of Professional Psychology (3 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PYD842 
    This course critically examines current trends, controversies, and opportunities in the professional practice of psychology, utilizing the scholarly literature and newsletters, journals, listservs, and other venues where timely developments in the profession are being proposed and discussed. Students articulate a plan for the further development of their identity as a professional psychologist.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Examine current trends and controversies in the practice of psychology.
    2. Identify opportunities in and potential obstacles to the specific areas of practice relevant to the student’s career goals.
    3. Participate as an informed professional in the activities of local, state, and national professional organizations.
    4. Anticipate and shape future developments in the profession.
    5. Develop an individualized plan for accomplishing the next stages of development as a professional psychologist.

  • PYD840 Practicum I-A (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PYD806 , PYD812 , PYD813  , PYD815 , PYD816 , PYD818 , PYD820 , PYD825 
    This is the first course of a two-semester introductory doctoral practicum experience which includes supervised training in assessment and psychological interventions and focuses on building foundational clinical skills. The relative proportion of assessment and intervention work may vary depending on the practicum site and the individual student’s background and training needs. The practicum requires a minimum of 300 hours each of the two semesters. Students on practicum work under the supervision of a doctoral level psychologist. Students also attend a weekly practicum seminar on campus led by a faculty member.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Form productive professional relationships with supervisors and peers.
    2. Demonstrate assessment and counseling skills at the level expected for a doctoral student who is prepared for a second practicum.
    3. Conceptualize case material according to various theoretical orientations.
    4. Apply clinical research to practice.
    5. Present clinical cases for consultation.
    6. Identify cultural and diversity issues relevant to clinical material and professional development.
    7. Integrate feedback from supervisors to improve performance.

  • PYD841 Practicum I-B (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PYD806 , PYD812  , PYD813 ,PYD815 , PYD816 , PYD818 , PYD820 , PYD825 
    This is the second course of a two-semester introductory doctoral practicum experience which includes supervised training in assessment and psychological interventions and focuses on building foundational clinical skills. The relative proportion of assessment and intervention work may vary depending on the practicum site and the individual student’s background and training needs. The practicum requires a minimum of 300 hours each of the two semesters. Students on practicum work under the supervision of a doctoral level psychologist. Students also attend a weekly practicum seminar on campus led by a faculty member.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Form productive professional relationships with supervisors and peers.
    2. Demonstrate assessment and counseling skills at the level expected for a doctoral student who is prepared for a second practicum.
    3. Conceptualize case material according to various theoretical orientations.
    4. Apply clinical research to practice.
    5. Present clinical cases for consultation.
    6. Identify cultural and diversity issues relevant to clinical material and professional development.
    7. Integrate feedback from supervisors to improve performance.

  • PYD842 Practicum II-A (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PYD821 , PYD822 , PYD841 , PYD840  
    This is the first of a two-semester advanced doctoral practicum experience which builds on the skills and experience gained in Practicum I. Practicum sites for Practicum II are individually selected to complement the training received in Practicum I. The practicum requires a minimum of 300 hours each of the two semesters. Students on practicum work under the supervision of a doctoral level psychologist, and attend a weekly practicum seminar on campus led by a faculty member.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Maintain productive professional relationships with supervisors and peers.
    2. Demonstrate assessment and counseling skills at the level expected for a doctoral student prepared for internship.
    3. Demonstrate a complex understanding of how theory influences practice.
    4. Demonstrate a working knowledge of evidence-based interventions in the application of research to clinical practice.
    5. Prepare and present formal case presentations (in preparation for the Clinical Case Presentation).
    6. Synthesize feedback from multiple sources.
    7. Demonstrate insight into the impact of self on others and others on self.
    8. Identify contextual variables that influence clinical practice, research, and professional practice.

  • PYD843 Practicum II-B (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PYD840 , PYD841 , PYD821 , PYD822 
    This is the second of a two-semester advanced doctoral practicum experience which builds on the skills and experience gained in Practicum I. Practicum sites for Practicum II are individually selected to complement the training received in Practicum I. The practicum requires a minimum of 300 hours each of the two semesters. Students on practicum work under the supervision of a doctoral level psychologist, and attend a weekly practicum seminar on campus led by a faculty member.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Maintain productive professional relationships with supervisors and peers.
    2. Demonstrate assessment and counseling skills at the level expected for a doctoral student prepared for internship.
    3. Demonstrate a complex understanding of how theory influences practice.
    4. Demonstrate a working knowledge of evidence-based interventions in the application of research to clinical practice.
    5. Prepare and present formal case presentations (in preparation for the Clinical Case Presentation).
    6. Synthesize feedback from multiple sources.
    7. Demonstrate insight into the impact of self on others and others on self.
    8. Identify contextual variables that influence clinical practice, research, and professional practice.

  • PYD845 Advanced Doctoral Practicum (if needed, does not count toward degree) (1 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): PYD840 PYD841 PYD842 PYD843  
    Building on the knowledge and skills gained in PYD840/841 and PYD842/843, the Advanced Doctoral Practicum is an optional training experience that involves clinical work supervised by a Licensed Psychologist.  The overall practicum experience may be structured such that advanced practicum students focus on their particular area of interest/specialty as well as their continued personal and professional development as an emerging psychologist. During the course of the advanced practicum, students attend either a faculty-led group seminar on campus or meet individually with faculty.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Practice clinical skills in a specialized area of interest.
    2. Conceptualize clients from a specialized and/or more advanced theoretical perspective.
    3. Critically evaluate and professionally integrate assessment, historical, research, and clinical information to inform treatment planning and interventions.
    4. Evaluate one’s own clinical proficiencies and areas for continued development.
    5. Articulate an emerging professional identity.

  • PYD849 Supplemental Practicum (if needed, does not count toward degree) (1 cr.)

    This practicum experience is designed to supplement the required practicum courses in the Psy.D. program providing additional training, advanced training, or remedial training depending on the needs of the student. The supplemental practicum focuses on a specific area of training of interest to the student, and may, include supervised training in assessment and/or psychological interventions. Students in practicum work under the supervision of a doctoral level psychologist.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Practice and demonstrate specific assessment and/or counseling skills.
    2. Integrate theories and clinical research into practical application.
    3. Articulate the impact of clinical experiences on professional functioning including diversity issues.
    4. Record clinical activities and evaluate one’s own clinical ability and disposition.

  • PYD851 Counseling with Children and Families (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of first year coursework (24 credits)
    This course covers current research and clinical approaches to the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of emotional, behavioral, and developmental disorders for children and adolescents and their families. Cultural and ethical issues in the practice of child and family therapy are highlighted. The multiple systems children live in and the stakeholders in the treatment process, including schools, parents, law enforcement, child protection, and welfare agencies, are addressed.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Identify cultural factors that impact child development, family constellations, and therapy.
    2. Integrate test and interview data, collateral information, and cultural features to develop recommendations for family interventions in school, community, and therapy settings.
    3. Practice a variety of therapy interventions and evaluate their effectiveness with specific ages, issues, and settings.
    4. Evaluate current literature in evidence-based practice with youth and families.
    5. Present information in ways appropriate to the culture, setting, and education of various stakeholders.
    6. Delineate the ethical issues and concerns involved in assessing and treating mental health and mental illness in children and adolescents.

  • PYD852 Neuropsychological Assessment (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of first year coursework (24 credits), PYD802 , PYD804 
    This course is an introduction to neuropsychological assessment. Procedures for conducting brief assessments to screen for neuropsychological functioning are presented. Instruments to conduct more complete assessments of attention, memory, executive functioning, effort, sensory-motor functioning, and other cognitive processes are demonstrated and discussed. The course reviews communication of findings from neuropsychological assessments as appropriate for various settings and populations.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Evaluate and choose sound neuropsychological assessment instruments using rigorous psychometric principles and practices.
    2. Administer, score, and interpret selected neuropsychological assessments in a manner that is consistent with standard practices and is culturally appropriate.
    3. Integrate test information with interview, collateral, and background information and cultural features.
    4. Communicate test results to colleagues, the clients, and other appropriate parties.
    5. Apply ethical standards in the use of neuropsychological tests.

  • PYD853 Treatment of Trauma and Abuse (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of first year coursework (24 credits), PYD821 ,PYD822 ,PYD841  
    This course examines the nature of trauma, psychological responses to trauma, and the treatment of trauma. A variety of types of trauma are addressed from a bio-psychosocial perspective, including trauma related to such events as domestic violence, rape, child abuse, terrorism, civilian and combatant exposure to war, and natural disasters. The prevention and treatment of vicarious traumatization are also considered.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Integrate knowledge of the neurological, biological, psychological, and social sequelae of trauma and critically evaluate the factors that attenuate or exacerbate responses to trauma.
    2. Apply the transtheoretical model of trauma treatment.
    3. Integrate an understanding of complex multicultural issues into the conceptualization of clients impacted by trauma and the treatment of such.
    4. Analyze different models for treating trauma and the research that supports which treatments to use when and with whom.
    5. Evaluate research in the area of trauma studies across disciplines and theoretical approaches.
    6. Examine the ethical implications of working with trauma survivors.
    7. Demonstrate an understanding of secondary trauma and develop strategies for self-care.

  • PYD854 Projective Assessment (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of first year coursework (24 credits), PYD822 
    This course is an introduction to projective personality assessment. The main focus of the course is on the administration, scoring, and interpretation of the Rorschach using contemporary scoring protocols. Selected commonly used projective tests are also presented. The communication of findings from projective assessments as appropriate for various settings and populations is reviewed. The psychometric properties of projective tests are discussed.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Demonstrate the ability to select, administer, score, and interpret selected projective tests in a manner that is consistent with standard practices and is culturally appropriate.
    2. Integrate test information with interview, collateral, and background information and cultural features.
    3. Communicate test results to colleagues, the clients, and other appropriate parties.
    4. Apply ethical standards in the use of projective tests.

  • PYD855 Group Therapy (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of first year coursework (24 credits)
    This course applies theories and research of group process and dynamics to the practice of group therapy. Multicultural and ethical issues are evaluated. Group skills and techniques are developed and applied to various types of groups comprised of different populations in diverse settings.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Evaluate theories and research for application to different group settings and populations.
    2. Select the appropriate group processes for different settings and populations.
    3. Evaluate ethical issues involved in the delivery of group therapy.
    4. Apply an understanding of ethics in group therapy to practice.
    5. Develop and apply group therapy skills and techniques to different types of groups, populations, and settings.

  • PYD856 Play Therapy Across the Lifespan (2 cr.)

    This course applies research and theories of play and other experiential processes to the practice of therapy in various contexts.  Attention is paid to the developmental nature and utility of play across the lifespan.   Research about the neurological, social, biological, psychological, and emotional impact of play is integrated into the understanding and development of therapeutic interventions.  Multicultural and ethical issues in the practice of these therapies are addressed.  The course includes both didactic and experiential components.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Evaluate research in the area of play and experiential therapies across disciplines and theoretical approaches.
    2. Integrate information about the neurological, social, biological, psychological, and emotional impact of play with treatment intervention planning.
    3. Identify the developmental, clinical, and cultural factors that indicate the appropriate use of experiential therapies.
    4. Evaluate ethical issues involved in the delivery of play and experiential therapy.
    5. Practice a variety of experiential therapeutic interventions and evaluate their potential effectiveness for specific populations.



  • PYD857 Counseling and Human Sexuality (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): 24 credits in the PsyD program completed first.
    This course explores the relationship between mental health and human sexuality. Topics may include: biological foundations, research methodology, variations in sexual behavior, sexuality and the life cycle, sexual problems and disorders, sex therapy, sexual coercion, and sexual responsibility. Additionally, this course explores therapist values, attitudes, and beliefs about sexuality and sexual behavior, and promotes practitioner self-awareness and self-reflection about the intersection of the personal and professional in counseling clients for sexuality related issues.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Explain and evaluate counseling approaches as they relate to diverse populations in need of education and counseling in the areas of sexuality and relationships.
    2. Evaluate one’s own values, beliefs, decision-making techniques, and demonstrate an ability to respect others when working with diverse populations and views.
    3. Summarize and analyze the physical, psychological, and social aspects of sexual development and functioning as they relate to various clinical situations.
    4. Articulate the evaluation and treatment of sexual problems, and determine when and how to properly refer clients to appropriate treatment.
    5. Explain how positive sex approaches may differ for diverse populations.

  • PYD858 Counseling with Substance Use and Addictions (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of the first year coursework (24 credits)
    This course examines addiction and recovery from both the individual’s and the clinician’s perspective. It provides the student with an understanding of the use of and addiction to alcohol, drugs, medications, gambling, and sex. The course provides skills for the assessment, intervention, treatment, and aftercare of addiction in the context of work as a professional psychologist.

    Upon completion of this course students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Examine research and theory on the assessment and treatment of addictions.
    2. Articulate the impact of addictions on the professional practice of counseling psychology.
    3. Understand current developments in the profession of psychology regarding comorbid/co-occurring mental health and chemical health disorders.
    4. Integrate theories of the development, intervention, and treatment of addiction issues with psychological theory.
    5. Differentiate between mental health concerns and addiction problems.
    6. Implement interventions to address addiction problems as distinct from mental health concerns.


  • PYD859 Couple and Family Assessment (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of first year coursework (24 credits)
    Issues in the research and the clinical assessment of couples and families are the focus of this course. Specific protocols, techniques, and instruments are discussed, evaluated, and administered. Psychometric basis of the instrumentation are reviewed. Ethical and legal issues are discussed.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Evaluate the instrumentation used in couple and family assessments from a psychometric perspective.
    2. Design, implement, and interpret appropriate assessment protocols for a variety of couples, families, and situations.
    3. Describe the connections between research, theory, and clinical practice in the assessment of couples and families.
    4. Recognize the legal, ethical, cultural, and clinical issues associated with the use of assessments with couples and families.

  • PYD861 Counseling in Health Care Settings (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of first year coursework (24 credits)
    This course provides an overview of the role of the psychologist in contemporary healthcare, including integrated care settings. The course emphasizes the medical and psychological aspects of medical conditions which are commonly addressed in health psychology, and the development of basic clinical skills for working in a medical setting. Opportunities for psychologists to practice in healthcare homes, affordable care organizations, and hospitals are explored.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Analyze and compare evolving and predominant models of behavioral health integration and health psychology.
    2. Analyze the biological, psychological, social, cultural, and economic factors as well as barriers to care that affect health and behavior, disease, treatment outcomes, and wellness.
    3. Demonstrate knowledge of patterns of health behavior and disease risk in the United States and specific health problems that are common in industrialized nations.
    4. Develop collaboration and consultation skills and a capacity for leadership as a member of a health care team.
    5. Demonstrate understanding of economic factors, ethical-legal standards, and information technology within the health care system.

  • PYD863 Counseling in the Schools (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of first year coursework (24 credits), PYD821  
    This course examines the roles psychologists play in K-12 school settings. Topics include conducting assessments for learning disability and emotional, behavioral, and developmental disorders; working with students, parents, and teachers; the development of individualized education plans; and working with mental health issues in a school setting.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Identify cultural and economic factors that impact child development and social and academic success.
    2. Evaluate and select sound child and adolescent assessment instruments for various presenting difficulties.
    3. Integrate test information with interview, collateral, and background information and cultural features and develop recommendations for individualized education plans (IEPs) and classroom interactions.
    4. Practice a variety of therapeutic interventions and evaluate their effectiveness with specific ages and issues, and their appropriateness for the school setting.
    5. Evaluate current literature in evidenced based practice with children and adolescents.
    6. Present information in ways appropriate to the culture, setting and education of parents, teachers, and administrators.
    7. Delineate the legal and ethical issues and concerns involved in treating mental health issues in school settings.

  • PYD864 Counseling in Forensic Settings (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of first year coursework (24 credits)
    This course provides an introduction to forensic psychological practice. The psychologist’s role in procedures and evaluations for cases involving civil commitment, psychosexual functioning, custody, disability, competency, and sexual harassment are discussed. Standards for the completion of written forensic evaluations and ethical requirements specific to forensic practice are reviewed.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Understand the legal basis for the structure and the role of psychologists in the judicial system.
    2. Examine ethical requirements and practice standards in forensic psychological practice.
    3. Demonstrate competence with specific methodologies and report-writing styles for addressing a number of psycho-legal questions.
    4. Examine the relationships among law, psychology, and the mental health system, mental illness, and criminal conduct.
    5. Analyze the ways in which psychology interacts with the legal and governmental systems.

  • PYD865 Industrial Organizational Psychology (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of first year coursework (24 credits)
    This course provides an introduction to the practice of psychology in the workplace. The role of the psychologist in managing human resources functions such as job analysis, employee appraisal, assessment of employee performance, and employee selection is presented. The role of the psychologist as an organizational consultant is also reviewed. The course emphasizes the knowledge, skills, and attitudes requisite for psychologists to successfully function in applied workplace settings.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Select and apply commonly utilized employee assessment procedures.
    2. Recommend procedures for assessing and improving organizational processes in companies and agencies.
    3. Demonstrate the attitudes and skills necessary for successful psychological practice in the workplace.
    4. Identify opportunities for practice as an industrial organizational psychologist.

  • PYD866 Rural Practice (2 cr.)

    This course provides an introduction to the practice of psychology in rural areas. Research on mental health delivery in rural areas, including prevention, health promotion, integrated care, and consultation is reviewed.  The roles and functions of a psychologist in a rural setting and the influence of the rural context upon professional practice are discussed. The course also provides urban-bound students with knowledge and competencies to provide tele mental health services and to serve rural clients referred to urban specialty clinics. Opportunities to learn from and talk with rural practitioners from around the country are provided.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Articulate the unique perspectives of psychological practice in rural settings.
    2. Demonstrate knowledge of the empirical foundations of work in rural settings.
    3. Examine ethical and professional issues encountered in rural practice.
    4. Critically evaluate published research about rural practice.
    5. Develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes for working as a psychologist who provides services to rural clients.

  • PYD867 Applied Sports Psychology (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of first year coursework (24 credits)
    This course introduces students to the field of sports psychology by examining psychological theories and principles that explain athletic participation, motivation, and performance.  Course topics include individual, social, and cultural factors, and address the appropriate use of clinical interventions and psychological skills training for athletes.  An opportunity to complete an independent case conceptualization of an athlete is provided.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Demonstrate an understanding of basic sport psychology principles, including: motivation, goal setting, psychological skills training, burnout, injury, and clinical referral needs.
    2. Evaluate and synthesize scholarly research to inform clinical work with athletes.
    3. Integrate knowledge of sport psychology to principles of ethical practice and multicultural considerations in counseling psychology.
    4. Conduct individual athlete assessment, and synthesize the information to make recommendations for improved psychological well-being, athletic performance, and other areas as needed.
    5. Identify appropriate intervention strategies for performance enhancement and health behaviors.
    6. Communicate information about athletes and clients with colleagues in a professional, holistic, ethical, and growth-oriented manner.

  • PYD871 Counseling in Diverse Ethnic Communities (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of first year coursework (24 credits)
    This course focuses on how cultural premises and differences in history, life experiences, and worldviews influence understanding and communication within and between ethnic groups. Research, theory, and clinical issues and implications are examined. This course also examines the role of the psychologist as educator, researcher, clinician, organizational change agent and policy developer, and the application of the constructs of multiculturalism and diversity to various professional settings.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Evaluate professional practices with regards to multicultural responsiveness to and knowledge and understanding of individuals and systems.
    2. Critically evaluate research and theory regarding evidenced-based practices from a multicultural psychological perspective.
    3. Identify cultural assumptions underlying research and program development in the field of psychology.
    4. Conceptualize individuals according to multiple cultural contexts that interact with and overlap ethnicity.
    5. Integrate culturally appropriate skills into counseling, supervision, consultation, and other applied psychological practices.

  • PYD872 Clinical Issues in Aging (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of first year coursework (24 credits)
    This course focuses on attitudes, understanding, and behaviors related to the developmental process of aging. Research, theory, and clinical issues and implications are examined. Issues related to cultural differences, social justice, and a personal exploration process are addressed.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the psychology of aging.
    2. Evaluate the research and theory of gerontology regarding the normative aging process, aging difficulties, and the impact of aging on families.
    3. Evaluate clinical issues and applications for aging individuals and their families, including the use of professional literature and research in clinical settings.
    4. Examine ethical issues in clinical work with an aging population.
    5. Integrate and incorporate sensitivity and responsiveness in clinical applications of aging individuals and their families.

  • PYD873 Counseling Individuals with Diverse Sexual and Gender Identities (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of first year coursework (24 credits)
    This course focuses on the research, theory, ethical considerations, and clinical implications concerning affirmative clinical work with individuals who have been marginalized because of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. Issues of stigma, discrimination, social justice, and personal reflection are addressed.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Demonstrate how cultural and social stigmatization impact the psychological status of sexual minorities.
    2. Utilize psychological research to formulate treatment plans and therapeutic approaches for sexual minorities.
    3. Evaluate benefits and risks associated with therapeutic interventions in this population.
    4. Understand how public policy, social justice, and psychology intersect in addressing the concerns of sexual minorities.
    5. Critically explore how personal experiences and attitudes influence clinical work with sexual minorities.

  • PYD874 Economic Disparities in Counseling (2 cr.)

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of first year coursework (24 credits)
    This course focuses on attitudes, understanding, and behaviors related to poverty and other monetary issues. Research, theory, and clinical issues and implications are examined. This course also focuses on roles of the psychologist as educator, researcher, clinician, organizational change agent and policy developer, and the application of the constructs of multiculturalism and diversity to various professional settings. Issues related to social justice and a personal exploration process are addressed.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Evaluate professional practices with regards to economic conditions and barriers to treatment.
    2. Evaluate research and theory regarding evidenced-based practices from a multicultural psychological perspective.
    3. Identify class values and assumptions underlying research and program development in the field of psychology.
    4. Conceptualize individuals according to multiple cultural contexts that intersect with economic realities in people’s lives.
    5. Integrate culturally appropriate skills into counseling, supervision, consultation, and other applied psychological practices.

  • PYD877 Counseling Individuals with Disabilities (2 cr.)

    This course examines the impact of individual differences in abilities on assessment and intervention.  Variations in physical, intellectual, and learning abilities are considered.  The social, emotional, and spiritual impact of having a disability is explored and incorporated into an understanding of how to work with members of a specific disability population.  In addition, a study of the intersection between culture and disabilities is examined.

    Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:

    1. Utilize strategies for building rapport and facilitating therapeutic change for clients with disabilities.
    2. Incorporate the individual’s experience of living with disability into case conceptualization and treatment planning.
    3. Critically review and evaluate current research and theory regarding evidence based practices for clinical work with individuals with disabilities.
    4. Critically assess the role that biases and stigmatization may play in work with this population.
    5. Interpret key legal and ethics issues in clinical work with people with disabilities.


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