Sep 14, 2024  
2023-2024 Winona Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Winona Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Resources


Individualized Major

An individually designed major study program must be significantly different from a catalog major offering. It must have a focal point or unifying factor different from present departmental majors. It may not be a subfield of a current major offering. It may not be a current major offering with one or two courses added or subtracted.

An individualized major must represent significant time applied to courses united by the special focus of that program and must include at least 39 credits. Approximately half of the required courses should be upper-division. Approval must be obtained from the Deans of the schools offering the courses and the Dean of the College.

As with other major programs, individualized majors should be declared before the junior year. This major option should not be considered or designed after a student has earned 95 credits. Once approved, an individualized major program cannot be changed without the approval of the appropriate department chairs, college deans, and Dean of the College. No courses listed in the original individualized major and subsequently taken by the student may be changed or deleted from the major.

Students should note that the approval of an individually designed major study program does not exempt the student from any university graduation requirement other than the requirement to complete a catalog major. It is the responsibility of the student to make sure that all other graduation requirements are met.

Writing Center

Individual Consultations

In an individual consultation, a tutor will sit down with a student in the center or meet via Zoom, ask what the student needs help with, read their paper, and then have a conversation in which both tutor and student—together—work through the issues with a paper.  A student will walk away from a tutorial feeling empowered not just with that particular writing assignment, but as a writer more generally.

Consultations are free, but appointments are encouraged; please see the Writing Center website ( to schedule an appointment.


Each term the Writing Center offers free workshops on writing topics including citation style, content development and organization, and resume writing. These workshops are described on the Writing Center’s website.

Online Resources

The Writing Center website provides another means of access to our services. The website features a variety of resources, including guides to types of writing assignments, grammar and punctuation rules, information on citation style, and learning modules on various writing topics.

Early Alert

Early Alert at the College, in Winona, provides early intervention for students identified through the system as needing additional academic/personal support, and social engagement. The program works by identifying students, contacting them, and scheduling meetings to allow them to achieve their academic goals, as well as improve the retention and graduation rates. 

Early Alert strives to:
● Increase student success in meeting their academic goals.
● Improve student persistence and graduation rates.
● Decrease the number of students on academic warning and probation.
● Increase communication between students, faculty, and advising professionals.

Student Success and First Generation Initiative Office 

The Student Success and First Generation Initiative Office acts as a vital and dynamic place on campus where professional staff members and peers support, mentor, and guide students throughout their college experience. Students use resources in academic advising, learning assistance, and accessibility services to build the knowledge and skills they need to achieve their academic and personal goals. 

Academic Advising

The academic advising staff works closely with faculty advisers, learning services, writing services, career services, access services, student affairs, and athletics to provide a comprehensive learning experience for all students.  Advisers assist students with:

  • Scheduling courses
  • Declaring a major
  • Evaluating completion of general education or major requirements
  • Developing academic success strategies and life skills
  • Participating in success initiatives
  • Serving as a referral person to appropriate offices on campus
  • Academic jeopardy and probation support
  • University and course withdraw

Faculty Advisers

Faculty advisers participate in the advising program as first-year student advisers and/or major advisers.  Faculty advisers are full-time faculty members who are familiar with courses, majors, and programs and who serve as a valuable resource for students.  They assist students in:

  • Planning their course schedules
  • Developing an academic plan and education goals
  • Assessing academic progress
  • Helping  with other college related concerns
  • Serving as a referral person to appropriate offices on campus  

Career Services & Internships and Field Exploration

The Career Services Office offers programs, activities, and resources in career readiness and job search skills to assist students in all majors to prepare for life after college. Services include:

• Courses for academic credit such as Career Exploration (for freshman and sophomores) and Career Strategies (for juniors and seniors)
• Assessments and career discernment
• Resources on choosing a major
• Internships and field explorations
• Resume review and development
• Job search strategies
• Career-readiness training
• Interview preparation and practice PLUS, a dedicated, reservable video interview room
• How to apply to graduate school
• Career fairs and employer relations
• Annual first destination reports

Access Services

Access Services is a helpful resource for students at Saint Mary’s who have disabilities.  It is the responsibility of students to seek available assistance and to request reasonable accommodations through the Director of Access Services.  The Director will then evaluate documentation, determine appropriate accommodations, and act as a resource/advocate to assist students with accessibility in their academic courses and to ensure equality of opportunity.  Qualified students may receive assistance with:

  • Alternate format textbooks
  • Assistive Technology
  • Peer note takers
  • Testing accommodations

Learning Assistance

Learning Services provides students with the tools necessary to become self-directed learners.  Learning Services are free for all students. Through peer to peer interactions, students receive academic tutoring in most 100 and 200 level and selected upper level subject areas, learn study skills and strategies, and participate in workshops that guide the learning process.  Services available to students include:

  • Weekly tutoring, drop-in tutoring, and by appointment tutoring
  • Academic counseling for assistance with study skills and strategies

International Center

The International Center includes Study Abroad and International Student Services.


Study Abroad

Saint Mary’s offers a variety of study abroad opportunities in many regions of the world and for students in any major. Semester-long programs are available, in addition to short-term faculty-led programs, which offer more discipline specific  opportunities taught by Saint Mary’s faculty.  With opportunities to study in countries on six continents, students are bound to find a program that fits their academic and global interests. The Study Abroad Office encourages students to incorporate international study into their academic plans, and suggests that first-year students talk with their academic advisor about the possibility of study abroad. Staff in the International Center are available to assist students during all stages of the study abroad experience, which includes exploring various options, applying to a program, preparing for international study and returning to campus.

International Student Services

International Student Services provides specialized support and activities for all international students on the Winona campus.  The programming includes the following areas of focus:  welcome and orientation of new international students; immigration services for students; assistance in adjustment to life in the United States, on the Saint Mary’s campus and in the Winona community; opportunities for students to share their culture and knowledge with the campus and local community; educational, cultural, and social activities for international students; and advocacy of international students to others on campus and in the Winona community.