Mar 14, 2025
AFST548 African Independent Churches: Authentic Integration or Separation from Christianity (4 cr.) The course introduces Christian workers to the major African Independent Churches. All Christian workers, missionary or African, can benefit from the course, but the course is geared particularly to those who have no previous study of the African Independent Churches (it is a foundational course). The course examines some of the significant aspects of the African Independent Churches with the belief that 1) African Independent Churches (AICs) have something to teach missionary planted churches (MPCs) and visa versa. For example, AICs can teach MPCs how to contextualize the Gospel in African cultures, so that the Gospel can be rooted in Africa. One of the AICs most precious assets is its experience of being rooted in its own African cultures. And the MPCs can teach AICs various methods of Bible study, an element that seems to be lacking among the AICs. 2) AICs have formed a major Christian force that cannot be ignored by the universal church of Christ.
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