Mar 03, 2025  
2018-2019 Winona Undergraduate Catalog 
2018-2019 Winona Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Karen Sorvaag, Ed.D., Chair

Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota School of Education seeks to live its commitment to our institutional Lasallian mission. At the heart of this mission is a commitment to provide high-quality teacher preparation to our learners in the context of a personalized caring community. We are dedicated to creating a challenging climate of growth for all learners inclusive of diverse backgrounds and needs. Like the learners our teachers will serve, we seek to enhance the potential and capacities of all learners.

General Department Goals

Teacher candidates will:

  • Have the ability to perform at a highly qualified level of teaching as defined by the Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB);
  • Display the knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary to effectively teach and lead diverse populations of students and work with parents, colleagues, administrators, and community members in support of a child’s or young adult’s education;
  • Demonstrate a commitment to and understanding of teaching in the spirit of the Lasallian mission; and
  • Hold a strong foundation in disciplinary knowledge and content.

The School of Education prepares highly effective teacher leaders for licensure in the following certification areas: elementary education (grades K–6) to which students may also add a grades 5–8 endorsement; secondary education (grades 5–12); K–12 music; and K–12 world languages. Educational Studies (a non-licensure major) provides opportunities for students to study education and examine teaching and learning processes in adult learning, child and family, religious education and youth development and leadership. All licensure programs meet the licensure requirements of the State of Minnesota. However, due to continuing changes in teacher preparation licensure requirements in the State of Minnesota, teacher candidates should note that program courses and requirements needed for certification may be subject to change prior to graduation and students have responsibility for consulting with the School of Education to adjust course work. In addition, due to varying and changing state licensure requirements throughout the country, the School of Education cannot assure students of licensure in states outside Minnesota. It is recommended that all students acquire a Minnesota license.  This usually simplifies the process of adding licenses from other states. Students are required to consult an advisor from the School of Education when considering a course of study leading to teaching certification(s). Credits earned prior to matriculation at Saint Mary’s University are accepted after review and approval by the School of Education. Any major course taken at another university must be pre-approved by the department chair.

The teacher preparation program is approved as a teacher certification program by the 
Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB) 
Department of Education 
1500 Highway 36 
West Roseville, MN 55113 
Telephone: (651)582-8200, Ext. 8833.

Completion of coursework in the Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota’s teacher education program does not guarantee teacher licensure. In addition to completing required coursework, students must successfully meet all program/content standards, including dispositions, as outlined in Saint Mary’s University’s Policy on Dispositions Appropriate to Teachers (see teacher education program guide); Teacher candidates must pass basic skills, content, and pedagogy Minnesota Teacher Licensure Exams or have a qualifying ACT or SAT score as outlined in the teacher education program guide. Teacher candidates and students majoring in educational studies must complete a background check prior to their first field experience. Teacher candidates must complete a further background check to be recommended for licensure.

Formal entrance into the teacher education program is required prior to admission into education courses numbered higher than ED307 . This  acceptance requires:

  • Evidence of having taken the Minnesota NES basic skills tests;
  • A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.750 and an average GPA of at least 2.750 in ED301 , ED302 , ED306  and ED307 ;
  • Evidence of satisfactory progress on relevant program standards;
  • A formal application to the School of Education;
  • Successful candidate interviews; and
  • Proficiency in dispositions appropriate to teachers.

Students who major in education and seek licensure must earn a C grade or higher in all courses required by the major, including endorsement courses. In order to maintain eligibility in the program, candidates are required to maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.750 and demonstrate proficiency on the program standards. Failure to demonstrate continued competent performance on identified program standards, skills and dispositions, or not maintaining the minimum 2.750 cumulative GPA requirement, could result in required remediation prior to continued enrollment in program courses, being placed on School of Education probation, being denied enrollment to student teaching, or dismissal from the teacher education program. See the teacher education program guide for additional details on admission procedures, monitoring of student progress, School of Education probation and appeals procedures.

As early as possible, students should identify which certification area they wish to pursue. Each student must choose to be certified in either elementary or secondary education. For students choosing elementary education, course work leads to licensure in grades K–6. Those majors who complete a middle-level endorsement extend their licensure potential to K–8 as the grades 5–8 endorsement leads to a licensure endorsement in grades 5–8. Students choosing secondary education have coursework which leads to licensure in grades 5–12 in an academic discipline or K–12 in music or world languages.

All teacher candidates are required to complete a semester of student teaching. Qualified students have the opportunity to student teach abroad or in the Nativity San Miguel network of schools for three to five weeks after 12 weeks of successful student teaching. Meeting all requisite standards is required for continuation in these special placements.  All other student teaching experiences must be completed in the Winona area. Students seeking the optional middle- level endorsement must complete a four-week student teaching experience at the middle school level in the discipline in which they seek licensure.

Students considering the adult education contexts, religious education or youth development and leadership concentrations are strongly encouraged to develop fluency in a language other than English, including American Sign Language.

Title II Information

Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota reports information on its teacher preparation programs as required by federal law. Said information is included as an appendix in this catalog. The most recent information is also available by contacting the School of Education at (507) 457-6623 or writing to the following address:

School of Education Program Chair
Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota
700 Terrace Heights #23
Winona, MN 55987

Learning opportunities in the School of Education extend beyond our classrooms through membership in Kappa Delta Pi, a professional honors organization; the student chapter of Education Minnesota; and membership in the student chapter of Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD).


