The DBA curriculum is designed to empower learners to become ethical leaders. The coursework consists of four clusters of three classes each.
I. The Global Business Environment
II. Research Skills
III. The Internal Environment of Business
IV. Specialization Courses
In cluster I, students explore the world, the external environment of business through the traditional/stakeholder model of the firm. This exploration leads to research questions, both qualitative and quantitative, which are addressed through the cluster II courses. The activities in the cluster II courses are designed around questions raised in the cluster I courses.
As students gain a broader understanding of the world around them, questions will arise, some of which may be addressed through the research courses and some which will require the student to think critically about moral and ethical issues. Cluster III courses specifically address these moral and ethical issues. The specialization courses in cluster IV allow students to develop in-depth knowledge in a selected field and to begin developing a dissertation proposal.
Program Outcomes
Upon completion of this program, graduates of the Doctorate of Business Administration program are expected to do the following:
- Analyze complex issues in a global, diverse business context.
- Conduct relevant research for business application.
- Create innovate and adaptive solutions to complex business problems.
- Provide adaptive leadership for continual organizational sustainability and growth.
- Serve through ethical practices and social responsibility.
- Communicate effectively in a variety of modes appropriate to the setting.
Program Structure and Delivery
Coursework is delivered over two years with courses from clusters I and II alternating during the first year. The second year covers cluster III followed by cluster IV. Courses are delivered in a blended format, integrating face-to-face classroom meetings and online activities or interactions in a planned, instructionally valuable manner.